Chapter 2

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A feathery feeling went up my left shoulder to my neck then my jaw before a big fat kiss was placed on my cheek. "Happy birthday, Shalom!"

I smiled up at a grinning Ben slightly hovering over me. He had his left arm around my waist while he used his other to prop himself on the bed.

My smile was wiped off as reality hit. Today's the day.

Ben noticed my mood and quickly slid out of bed. "Wait right here." He pointed at me before dashing out of my room.

I sighed and threw my head back into the pillow, dreading the day to come.

Ben came shortly after he left with a tray of food in his hands. I sat up with my back to the headboard as he placed the tray on my lap. "Breakfast, served."

I smiled at him in appreciation and looked down at my plate. There were two eggs acting as eyes with bacon strips as a smiling mouth.

I raised an eyebrow at his sheepish face. "Just eat them, I made them only for you."

A smile was glued to my face all throughout breakfast and the shower I took. I went downstairs in black leggings and one of Ben's maroon hoodies with my hair in a messy bun.

"What the hell are you wearing Shalom?" Ms Johnson yelled at me as soon as I entered the main living room.

I looked at my clothes then back at her. "Uhm, clothes?" I replied in a duh tone.

"Go change right now! You don't want him to see you looking like crap." She replied outraged.

I gasped in fake surprised. "Ms J, swearing is not lady like! Isn't that what you always tell me?" I dropped the act at her glare. "I don't care," I flopped down on the coach, "If he wants me for my looks then screw him." I grabbed the remote to turn the TV on but it was snatched away from me and an angry Baby Johnson's was standing over me.

"Did you pack?" She asked.

"No." I paid attention to my nails to show how much I care.

"Go pack right now, young lady!" She pointed upstairs.

"I'm officially an adul-"

"Just go." She sighed and massaged the sides of her head.

I groaned and stomped to my room and opened my closet. Most of my clothes - or the clothes I actually wear - consisted of Ben's hoodies. I made sure to put them all in my suitcase, adding my shorts and skirts and crop tops. I made sure not to pack any of the dresses I was forced to have.

Next, I packed my undergarments, toiletries, hair ties, pictures, books and laptop. Let's hope there's internet in hell.

I changed into a pair of jean shorts and gray sweatshirt that showed a little of my belly with white Adidas shoes that had three black stripes on the sides. I didn't feel like doing my hair so I just took it out of my bun and let it flow. My phone and the book I was currently reading were placed in my bag.

I went back downstairs and slowed down when the smell of chocolate hit me hard. I heard Ms Johnson's voice and an unfamiliar one.

"Your highness, all I'm asking is for another year before you take her." Ms J's voice said.

"We made a deal. I would come and take her on her 18th birthday and you train her until then." What am I, a dog? "Now, where's my mate?" His deep, commanding voice was laced with power.

I finally made it to the last step and all eyes were on me as I walked towards the two people. Ms J looked pale and about to pass out any moment now. I gave her a questioning look before switching my gaze to the man. To say he was hot was an understatement.

He had a heart-shaped face with a jawline that could cut diamonds, leading to a pointed chin. His pink, plump lips rested under a straight nose. My eyes wondered to his eyebrows that were set in a straight line, showing his nonchalance. My chestnut brown eyes met his baby blue one and as cliché as it sounds, everything around us disappeared. All I could focus on were his captivating eyes that had me under a spell, a spell, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't break.

He took a few steps closer to me, his 6'1 frame towering over my 5'7 one. He took my hand in his large one and I felt sparks all over. "Let's go." His deep voice commanded.

I snapped out of my trance and pulled my hand away. "I don't want to go." I crossed my hands over my chest and I swear Ms J was about to faint.

His baby blue eyes held shock as they darken to an electric blue. "I didn't ask. Now, move."

I didn't move. In fact, I sat down on the couch and put one leg over the other. "I said I don't want to go."

He let out a low, threatening growl. "Move. Now." He said between gritted teeth.

I ignored him and played with my nails. Suddenly, a crash sounded and loud growl followed. I could almost hear Ben's voice in my head.

Not five minutes into meeting your mate and you've already made him mad. Only you, Shalom, only you.

My mate walked over to Ms Johnson who was sitting on a single couch, fanning herself. He growled and towered over her. "I thought she was ready?" His voice was deeper, scarier, more intimidating.

"I-I-I told you we n-eeded more ti-ime." She managed to stutter out.

"You had eighteen years! You couldn't make her submit in all those years? Why did I hire you, then?" His loud voice boomed.

I decided to step in before Ms J shit herself.

I stood in front of him and pushed at him chest. "Calm down. It's not her fault, it's mine. She did an amazing job, but I'm too hard-headed. So, if you p-" I screamed as I was picked up and thrown over his shoulder. If I thought Ben's butt is cute, I should've seen my mate's.

He grabbed my bag and slung it over his other shoulder before walking over to the door. It opened and I noticed a guy holding it and another coming out with my suitcase.

I felt a sting in neck and darkness soon welcomed me with open arms.

I'm such an idiot I accidentally deleted this chapter. Luckily I've published this book on inkitt as well so I copy paste it 🤦‍♀️
Great I lost 3k reads cuz of my dumb butt 😭😭

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