Chapter 7

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I woke up the next day alone in bed. Did he leave already?

I stretched and rolled around for a few minutes before getting up and using the bathroom. After changing into shorts and a shirt, I opened the door to come face to chest with my guard. This time, his eyes weren't emotionless. Instead, they were glaring at me with hatred. Everyone seems to glare at me these days.

"Morning." I walk past him as he grunted in response. Once I made it to the kitchen, I was surprised to see a bowl of cereal on the counter.

I smiled and sat on a bar stool before grabbing a fistful of cereal and stuffing it in my mouth. My guard was standing there awkwardly watching me eat.

"You ow, iss ude ko skew." I said what I was hoping to sound like 'you know, it's rude to stare' with a mouthful of cereal. He looked at me with a sceptical face, obviously doubting my manners.

"What's your name?" I asked once I've swallowed.

"Benjamin." He replied.

I gasped and dropped the bowl of cereal on the table as my eyes brimmed with tears. I stood up slowly and walked over to him with my hands reaching out. "Ben?" I whispered before hugging his waist tight. "I love you." I muttered against his chest. And then the damn broke. My tears kept falling continuously as I hugged the life out of him.

He cleared his throat and patted my back awkwardly. Poor guy has to be around me.

I cried my heart out then pulled away and washed my face. I searched the cupboards for some chocolate. "Aha!" I pulled out the jar of Nutella and a spoon. "Take me to Lucy." I pointed the spoon at Ben.


My eyes darkened and the air around us thickened. "Are you trying to keep me away from my mate?" I asked in a low voice.

"N-no." He replied shakily.

"Then take me to him!" I yelled at him.

He nodded and grumbled something that sounded like 'girls and their mood swings' before leading me out of the kitchen.

He knocked on a door and I pushed it open without waiting for the 'come in.'

Lucy looked up from his papers as the door closed behind me with Ben on the other side of it. "I missed you." I threw my arms around his neck from behind in a hug before sitting to his right on his desk.

I spent the next ten minutes swinging my legs as I ate the jar of Nutella while Lucy did his work.

"Lucy." I moaned. "It hurts." I held my stomach in my hands.

"What hurts?" He stood up in front of me.

"My stomach." I wrapped my arms around his neck in a hug. He picked me up and took me to our room, laying me gently on the bed.

"Do you need any medicine?" He sat beside me and stroked my forehead.

"There is no medicine for mother nature." I deadpanned.

"Oh." He blushed. "I'm going to work, call if you need me."

"You're leaving me?!" I sat up and glared at him.

"No-I'm just going to do some work." He said calmly.

"All you ever do is work! That's you've been doing ever since I've came here."

"You came here yesterday." He said flatly.

I ignored his sentence. "You don't have time for me, your mate." I sniffled as my eyes filled with tears. "It's okay, I understand. Your work is more important." I wiped a stray tear.

His face looked torn as he switched his gaze from the door to me. He finally sighed and got into bed with me. "What're you doing?" I asked him.

He didn't answer, he just opened his arms and I gladly threw myself in them with a smile on my face. His strong arms wrapped around me and pulled me into his chest. He proceeded to rub my back while I drew lazy circles on his chest. The cramps seemed to go at his magical touch.

"Do you need anything?" He asked.

"Tea. The Fault In Our Stars." In a second, a knock sounded on the door and a maid came in with a tray that held a cup of tea and a book beside it. She put the tray on the bedside table and left without a word.

Lucifer sat up against the headboard with his knees bent after taking off his shirt, leaving him in a pair of sweatpants.

He pulled me against his chest and grabbed the book and tea cup from the tray. Handing me the cup, he opened the book to the first page and held it in front of us.

"Late in the winter of my seventeenth year, my mother...."


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