Chapter 4

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Kitchen ^^

After putting on one of Ben's hoodies and a pair of shorts, I made my way downstairs, surprised to see an actual house. I observed every detail as I walked to what I assumed was the kitchen. Pushing the door open, I was met with a beautiful kitchen. In the middle, there was a table made of wood that had four bar stools tucked under it. To the left, there was a TV surrounded with white cupboards. To the front, there were more wooden cupboards above a white marble counter having a sink. A microwave and oven stood to their left, while a refrigerator having white supermarket doors as its perimeter was placed to their right. My mate was sitting on one of the bar stools with his back facing me. Once he took in my scent, he spun around to face me. He opened his mouth to speak, but closed it and took in my scent again.

A loud growl shook the ground as he advanced towards me. With every step he took forward, I took one back until I was pressed against the wall and had nowhere to go. He pushed his body onto mine and my hands quickly went to his chest to push him back.

They were soon trapped over my head with his large ones enclosing around my wrists. His angry breaths fanned my face as his mixed eyes glared into mine.

"What?" Unlike how I wanted it to be, my voice came out a little weak.

"You have a man's smell all over you." He leaned in a took a whiff of the hoodie. "This hoodie reeks of him!" He growled again and the red in his expanded. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "Why do you have a man's top?" He gritted out between clenched teeth.

I gulped. "It's my friend's."

"Take it off." He replied nonchalantly.

My eyes widened. "What?!"

"Take. It. Off. I don't care who's hoodie that is, I don't want my mate wearing another man's clothes."

"No." I pushed him away.

"No?" He raised an eyebrow.

"No." I crossed my arms under my chest.

His eyes closed before opening again, showing his almost red eyes. "Don't test me, Shalom, take it off."

The way my name came out from his mouth was- focus, Shalom!

"Im not here to test you oh mighty one, and I'm not taking it off." I leaned against the table.

He growled again - this man has serious growling problems - and ran his hand through his hair. "You're supposed to listen to me."

"Says who?"

"Says me."

"I don't care what you say, I do whatever I want." I went over to the cupboards and searched through them for some cereal. Once I found some, I searched for a bowl before filling it with Fruity Hoops.

"You're supposed to be a submissive! You're supposed to listen to everything I say without uttering a word!" He raised his voice.

"Sorry to burst your bubble, but I'm not. I have an opinion, and I have the right to share it. Don't expect anything else from me." With that, I walked past him and out of the kitchen.

Footsteps - no doubt his - followed me into the hallway. "This is an actual house, wow." I looked around in wonder.

"Well, what'd you expect?" He growled out.

"I don't know, I imagined everything to be on fire or something." I shrugged.

He chuckled lightly and it was music to my ears. He groaned as if he had remembered something. "I have some paperwork to do in my office. Feel free to roam around; you can go everywhere you want. But don't you dare step foot into the throne room." He threatened before leaving me.

Cue evil laugh.


"But, don't you dare step foot into the throne room." I mimicked his voice as I sat comfortably in his throne. It was big, black with a bit of fire around the back, and absolutely comfortable.

I looked at the guards who were sweating heavily and looked very tense. I chuckled at the sight. Guards scared of a little girl, priceless. They're probably scared of the mate of the little girl, but it's the same thing.

"Guards, please get your queen a bar of chocolate." I said to no one in particular. One of the guards left the room and returned a moment later with a bar of Galaxy. Yummy.

He kneeled and held the bar in his stretched out hand. I grabbed the chocolate and tapped his shoulder. "Thank you. You don't kneel next time, okay?" He nodded before scrambling off to his post.

I tore open the paper and stuffed half of it in my mouth. I moaned in delight. Chocolate is life.

At the last bite of the Galaxy goodness, the door of the throne room flew open and a fuming Lucifer with pure Crimson red eyes stood at the doorway.

Oh, shit.


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