Chapter 19

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I woke up the next day with my eyes puffy from crying all night with no signs of Lucifer. My throat hurts when I swallow but I try to ignore that as much as I can.

"Morn- Shalom?" Ben greets me in the kitchen.

"Take me to heaven." I reply immediately. I want to get out of here.

"What? Didn't you get into any trouble last night?"

"Just take me there, please, Ben."


I knock on Marcus' door and as soon as it opens, I throw myself into him and just cry.

"Shalom? What's wrong? What happened?" He closed the door with his foot.

"My m-mate he-he..." A sob cut me off mid sentence. He rubbed my back soothingly as I cried into his chest.

He pulled away and tilted my head back. "Your neck, did he do that?" He frowned at me.

I nodded my head in response, drying my tears in the process. "It was his demon." I sniffled. "He lost control and he was mad that I came here and he was able to smell you on me and that seemed to set him off even more." I felt more tears build up. "And, even worse I'm-"

The door slams open and in comes a disheveled looking Ben. "Shalom. Lucifer. He's...he's here."

My face paled at the news and I felt my heartbeat increasing. He's here?

Marcus suddenly grabbed my hand and led me outside his house.

"Marcus? Where are we going?"

"We are going to solve this feud between you two once and for all." He said determinedly while still pulling me behind him with Ben following closely behind.

"No! Marcus, you don't know what you're getting yourself into. He's the freaking devil!" I tugged at his arm but without luck.

We reached what seemed like a park where a commotion was happening.

"Where is my fucking mate?!" Lucifer's deep voice could be heard yelling.

"Oh no." I whispered as I slowed down making Marcus stop in his tracks.

"Listen, Shalom. You can do this. I'll be here if you want me, don't wo-" Before Marcus could finish his sentence, a punch to his jaw knocked him to the floor.

I gasped and looked up to see an enraged Lucifer standing with a glare so hard, it'd break diamonds. His features slightly softened at the sight of my puffy, tear streaked face but the glare was prominent nonetheless.

"Why am I not surprised?" He kicked at Marcus on the ground and I snapped out of my daze and quickly tugged Lucifer back by his arm.

"No, Lucifer, don't hurt him! He didn't do anything!" I tried pulling harder on his arm to put some distance between him and man on the floor who was now sitting up.

Lucifer froze before turning back to me. "Didn't do anything? His scent is all over you! And this is the third time, Shalom! The third time I smell his particular scent all over you!" He looked around at the forming crowd before grabbing my wrist. "We'll talk about this back at home. Let's go."

He went to grab my wrist but he quickly pulled his hand back with a hiss once it came in contact with mine.

Confused, I furrowed my eyebrows and before I could speak, six angels landed one by one beside Lucifer and I, their beautiful huge white wings tucking behind their backs as their feet hit the ground. They looked the oldest among all other angels and emitted an aura of power and sophistication.

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