Chapter 11

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I leaned my back against the trunk of the tree and looked up at the stars. I lost track of how long I've been here, hugging the dress I had taken off to my body to try to escape the cold. But it doesn't matter, I can't feel it anymore, not even in shorts and a tank top.

I'm such a horrible mate. I never listen, I'm too bratty, I'm too whiney, I'm too disobedient, I'm too annoying and clingy, I always have a man's smell on me other than my mate's. Heck my mate hadn't even marked me yet. I should've listened to all those lessons I was taught. I should just shut my trap and be a good mate. Maybe that would be enough.

I should get back inside before I cause more trouble than I already have.

Standing up, I wrapped the dress around me and walked back into the castle, keeping my head down the whole time. I wasn't surprised when I entered our room and saw that it was empty. But I was certainly not disappointed. Quickly taking a shower, I changed into a night dress and slipped under the sheets on my side of the bed, staring blankly at the wall until my eyes closed.

I dreamed of a mate only to get someone like you.


My eyes fluttered open as last night's event played itself over and over again in my head. I feel like shit without looking at myself. I tried sitting up, but a muscular arm around my stomach held me down. I slipped out of his embrace as quiet as I can and made my way to the bathroom.

If I didn't feel like shit before, I definitely do now. My eyes are red and puffy from crying and my face is slightly swallen with flushed cheeks and a red nose. I did my business and splashed cold water on my face in hopes of looking more presentable.

After that, I quietly snuck to the kitchen to make some breakfast for him. Deciding on some bacon and scrambled eggs, I prepared the necessaries before beginning my work. I had just placed the food on a plate when Lucifer walked into the kitchen with a confused look on his face. I kept my head down as I bowed slightly.

"Good morning Lucifer." I said in a small voice. "Your breakfast is ready." I gestured to the table, keeping my eyes glued to the ground the whole time.

Always greet him in the morning with a nice breakfast.

He hesitantly sat down on one of the bar chairs and began eating. Once he did, I grabbed a bowl and filled it with a bit of cereal, leaning on the counter while eating them. I never once lifted my head up.

Always wait for him before eating.

Silence took over the atmosphere. Nothing could be be heard except for the clanking of the fork on the plate.

I hated this atmosphere. I hated this whole situation. Usually, I would've barged into his office with my bowl of cereal and sat on his desk while he worked.

I finished the few pieces of cereal left and went upstairs to out room after I had placed the dish in the sink.

Once I reached the room, I made the bed and put away his clothes. When the room was all tidied up, I laid on the bed, curling up into a ball.

I've never felt like this. I was always the girl to not listen to others and cause trouble and never give a shit. Yet one sentence from my mate turned me around 180 degrees. I guess Lucifer is right. I'm a horrible mate. Why can't I be obedient like what he wishes his mate can be? Because that's not you.

Frustrated with myself, I angrily stood up and punched the wall. Ugh what is wrong with me?! Too emotional to care about my probably bruised knuckles, I punched it again and again until my wrist was held by a warm hand, preventing my fist from making contact with the wall again. From the sparks that flowed through my veins, I knew who it was without turning around to check.

He gently tugged on my wrist, in contrast to his usual roughness, leading me to the bathroom where he lifted me by the waist and sat me on the counter. I remained silent, focusing on my hands laying on my lap as he rummaged through a cabinet, taking out a first aid kit.

His fingers wrapped around my wrist as his other hand advanced towards my bleeding knuckles with a cloth. Once the obviously coated in disinfectant cloth made contact with my knuckles, I hissed and tugged at my wrist to try to free it but in vain. The stinging became bearable after a few dabs and I watched as he carefully wrapped my knuckles in bandages once he was done.

He put away the kit and washed his hands before standing between my swinging legs and resting his hands on either side of them. I kept quiet as he let out a sigh and his arms tensed. "You could've seriously hurt yourself more than you are." He finally spoke.

I merely shrugged and continued staring at my now wrapped hands. He sighed again and placed his fingers under my chin to lift my head up so that I was staring at him. I tried looking everywhere except his eyes but the mate pull was making it hard to resist doing so.

I dreamed of a mate only to get someone like you.

His words repeated in my head and I found myself biting my lip to stop the tears from forming and making a fool out of my self more than I already have.

Suddenly, I was pulled into an embrace by none other than Lucifer himself. The devil was hugging me.

With his arms around my waist and his head resting over my shoulder, I couldn't hold it in anymore and released a sob from my lips. My arms went around his shoulders and my head buried itself in his neck as I cried.

"I-I'm sor-ry." I sputtered apologies and tightened my arms around his neck. "I'm-m not the per-perfect ma-te for y-you. You des-erve better th-than me."

"Shh, shh." He rubbed my back comfortingly. "No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said all of that and I meant none of it; I was too jealous to think. You're a great mate and you're the one who deserves better. I'm just not used to being defied and in a relationship with someone."

"B-but I'm always causing trouble and being hard to deal with."

"Okay, you do cause some trouble but I can deal with that. Also, I'm a little too strict and I should loosen up a bit, I'll admit that." He pulled back to look at me. "I'm sorry for hurting you, physically and emotionally. My demon was out of control and he also feels bad for what he did. In fact, he feels like coming out to talk to you himself. Are you okay with that?"

I hesitated for a moment. He did hurt me. But he apologized. I should give him a chance. Making up my mind, I nodded slowly.

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