Chapter 16

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As soon as we reached home, Lucifer stormed off into God knows where. Something had happened at the meeting, something that pissed him off greatly.

I wanted to go after him, but I decided to give him some time to cool down.


Freshly showered and dressed in one of Lucifer's shirt, I eventually found said devil on the terrace with his elbows on the railing and his jaw tightly clenched with a faraway look in his eyes as he stared off into the distant.

The sun had just set, so the air was getting chilly, giving me an excuse to snuggle into his back and wrap my arms around his torso.

"Hey." I greeted.

He remained silent, his back muscles tensing against my body.

"Leave me alone, Shalom" His voice was deeper and gruffier than usual.

I shook my head against his back. "I'm not leaving you, Lucifer." I felt like my words had a double meaning behind them. "Tell me what's wrong."

He sighed before loosening my arms from around his waist. "I don't want to lose you, Shalom, please just go inside and leave me alone."

"You have to open up to me if you want us to get better, Lucifer. You can talk to me; I'm your mate." I moved to stand beside him, hoping to catch his eyes but to no avail.

'I'm scared, okay? Having a mate was all I've ever wanted, but now that I have one, I don't know how to act. I'm scared of doing the wrong thing and hurt you, and end up losing you in the end. And after the meeting, I..." He breathed in deeply. "I-I...I can't lose you, Shalom. I can't stand being alone again." His voice had become thicker at the end and his eyes brimmed with tears.

I wasted no time and pulled him into a hug, pushing his head into the crook of my neck and gently stroking his hair. I had to stand on my tippy toes and lean my back against the railing so I wouldn't fall from his heavy weight. I opted not to mention what happened at the meeting since it seemed like a touchy subject.

"I'm sorry I made this harder for you than it really was, but I'm still a teen; it's in my nature to rebel. But you're my mate, and even if I'm human, I still feel the bond between us but I was ignoring it, and I'm sorry again. You're not going to lose me, and there's no reason for you to be scared, we can work this through. You'll learn along the way and it'll be all right." I momentarily surprised myself with the words I had said before pulling his head to face me and wiping away the tears that hadn't fallen.

My eyes locked with his and I offered a small smile before I kissed his nose. He looked taken aback before grabbing the back of my head and crashing his lips on mine. I was frozen for a split second before I closed my eyes and responded to him. His other hand wrapped around my waist and pulled me impossibly close to him. I could feel tingles spreading through my body from everywhere he touched, making me high on euphoria.

He pulled away all too soon, and his eyes opened revealing electric blue orbs decorated with specks of crimson red. I was, for once, too shy to say anything and instead dropped my head to the ground. The action apparently displeased him for he gripped my chin and forced me to look at him.

"I love your eyes, don't hide them from me." He whispered.

I unconsciously nodded and flushed a deep red, the kiss finally registering in my head.

"How about we watch a movie?" He surprisingly asked, making me nod mutely once again.

He chuckled, the sound deep and husky and music to my ears, before pulling me with him out of the terrace and into the theatre room where we cuddled up under a blanket, watching movies of different genres until I fell asleep in my mate's arms.


Hope you enjoyed, don't forget to vote! It would be deeply appreciated.

How do you like this side of our dear Lucifer? Let me know what you think about this slightly short chapter in the comments! I'll update soon, stay tuned!

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