Chapter 3

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I woke up feeling very comfortable wrapped in a warm embrace. I knew it was Ben so I cuddled closer to his chest, loving the way his arms wrapped around me.

Wait, why is Ben still in bed with me? He usually wakes up very early and leaves for his duties, but not before leaving me a bowl of cereal.

"Ben?" I call out his name, still half asleep. "Don't you have work to get to?" My voice came out slightly muffled from his chest.

He sat up straight without warning making me fall off his chest in a not-so-gentle way. I moaned and straightened myself to glare at him. Instead of the warm brown eyes I got used to, a mixture of crimson red and sapphire blue eyes were glaring daggers at me. My eyes widen in shock and slight fear as I stared into the eyes of my mate.

"Who the fuck is Ben?" He asked in his deep voice.

"He-I-uh," Think! "He's my teddy bear." Really?

He raised an eyebrow at me as his eyes turned back to their normal baby blue color. I released a breath of relief, knowing that his demon calmed down. I was taught that when he gets angry, his eyes darken. But when he gets furious to a point where his demon tries to take control, they get darker with a mix of red. When his demon takes full control, his eyes turn into a crimson red.

Can't wait when that happens.

Oh wait, it's back.

"And your teddy bear goes to work?" His mixed eyes glared harder at me.

Oh shit.

"No-I-He-" I stuttered until he interrupted me.

"What male dares to touch what is mine?" His voice raised slightly.

Oh, hell no. "I'm not an object to be yours! I am my own person. If anyone owns me, it would be my p-" His growl cut off. The red in his eye covered most of the blue until it went back to covering half of it after he closed his eyes.

"You are mine. Nobody else's, only mine. Whether you like it, or not." He stood up and left the room before I could answer him.

I huffed and crossed my arms. Now, what? The door opened and he poked his head in. "Feel free to shower and come down for breakfast." The door closed behind him.

I sighed and took a good look at the dark-themed room. There was some sort of sofa at the end of the bed. Two chairs rested to the right with a gold-brown curtain behind them. Pillow-like boards were on the back of the bed, matching the color of the curtains. Two black counters on each side of the bed held two black bedside lamps that were currently off.

It was a nice room, but it was so dark. I sighed and got out of the very comfortable bed and made my way to the door on the left corner of the room. Behind the door, there was a huge bathroom. Like, a huge bathroom. Like, the size of my old room bathroom. It had more white than the bedroom, thankfully, with a black counter and four rugs matching the color of the gold-brown there. Mirrors having three double lights over them surrounded by a black frame were put over the counter, starting from its beginning and stopping at its end. There was a glass shower to the right and bathtub in the front. I will definitely use that bathtub sometime.

I pealled off my clothes and placed them in the laundry basket before stepping in the shower. I let the warm water run down my body, but it did nothing to relax my tense muscles. After about an hour, I closed the tap and wrapped myself in a small white towel I found in the drawers before stepping out of the shower and on the rug.

Ah damn it, I forgot my clothes.

Before I could even move to go back into the bedroom, the door bust opened revealing a pissed off, slightly worried, devil.

His sapphire eyes caught sight of my figure and immediately mixed with red. They looked relieved before they hardened as they raked over my body from head to toe. I was too shocked to scream or yell at him to get out. He took a few steps forward making me step back with each one.

It was not long before he had me trapped between him and the glass door of the shower. His hands went up beside my head as he leaned in to trace his nose up and down my neck. It stopped at a certain spot, where his mark would be placed and my scent is strongest.

He took a long breathe, taking in my smell. "Mine." He muttered against my neck. Before I could correct him and start another argument, he was out of the bathroom.

I didn't realize I was holding my breath until I did a long intake of oxygen. That seemed to calm my heart as it went back to beating normally.

What was that?


Bedroom ^^

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Bedroom ^^

Bathroom ^^

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Bathroom ^^

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