Chapter 15

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The gaurd kept a straight posture, his face void of any emotions.

"Can you please show me outside?"

"Mr Gaurd?"


"Fine, I'll find a way out."

I turned to leave through the doors Luce and I walked through, only to be stopped by a grip on my collar.

"No." The gaurd turned me around. "We have specific instructions to keep you here. Please, cooperate and don't make us use force to keep you here." The gaurd looked rather bored talking about my misfortune.

"Excuse you, mister." I stood on my tippy toes to at least reach his chin. "Do you know who I am? I am the quee-"

"What is the meaning of this?" A voice I knew too well spoke out as the sound of doors closing sounded in the air.

I turned around, and the sight of the old woman confirmed my thoughts.

"Miss J!" I yelled enthusiastically as I ran towards her, attacking her with the hug of the century. "Oh, I never thought I'd be happy to see you! I missed you and your boring rules and your strictness and- is that who I think it is?"

"Yup, it's me, kid." Ben opened up his arms and I hurled him with a hug.

As soon as his arms closed around me I broke down. I gripped his shirt tightly as a feeling of nostalgia hit me like a brick, making me cry uncontrollably.

"I m-issed you s-so much."

"I missed you too kid." He rubbed my back soothingly. "How's life with the devil been?"

I chuckled. "Awful. He's so controlling, he thinks he's the boss of me, going all alpha male on me. But I think he's trying, you know? We hung out and he actually has a good side. I think we can pull it off in like, I don't, a year? But whatever! Tell me about you."

I pulled away from the hug and took a good look at him." You haven't changed a bit." I smiled softly, feeling content seeing someone dear to me.

Miss Johnson scoffed." And neither have you, apparently. "

"What do you mean?"

"You're still the immature brat you were at my house. With him taking you, I figured you'd at least grow up and act like your age for once out of fear. But I guess nothing gets to you."

I looked at her in disbelief, which quickly turned into anger. "You're right, I am an immature brat. I'm 18, not 30, I still have a life ahead of me. My childhood was spent learning rules after rules, forcing me to behave like a robot. I matured before ei should have, what's the harm in making up for it now? I'm having a little fun, instead of spending my life in misery. Getting a mate doesn't mean that I'd change, it only means I have one more person to annoy and eventually love. So leave me be, let me freaking live before I can't. " I threw her a glare and gave into Ben's tugging, eventually going back into another hug.

"Calm down, Shalom." He stroked my hair. "Deep breaths, in and out."

"You're making it seem like I'm in labor." I chuckled hearing his short laugh.

"We both know that you will be sooner or later."

"Shut up!" I smacked his arm. "Last thing I need now is that."

Suddenly the door opened and in walked my mate.

I pulled away from the long hug and faced him. "Hey, how did the meeting go? Is everything going well?" I smiled.

I was met with a hard glare that made my smile drop.

"Let's go." He grabbed my arm and pulled me along him out the doors, stopping shortly to send Miss Johnson a nod.

"Wait, now?" I tugged my arm. "I still haven't sat down properly with my friends and had a talk yet, we can't leave now."

"We can, and we will. Don't tempt me Shalom, I am not in the mood." His was too serious demeanor shut me up and stopped my resistance, willing me to walk after sending Ben one last wave.

As soon as we made it outside, Lucifer pulled out his wings, grabbed my waist, and took off into the sky. Instantly, I gripped his neck, not prepared for the fast pace we were going at.

"Weren't we staying for a few days?" I asked timidly. Now that's a first.

"Change of plans." Was all he said until we made it back to Hell.

I wonder what it is this time.


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