Chapter 9

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After two hours of sitting through torture, the stylists finished doing my hair and makeup despite my many protests.

My dress arrived in a black zip bag, and I made sure I was that I was the one who received it from the delivery guy. I literally sat beside the door and waited for it to ring so I would take it from the guard.

With some help, I slipped on the gown. It was sky blue with patterns of gold designing it.

"Shalom, get out right now!" Lucifer knocked on my door for the umpteenth time. I was planning to be a few minutes late.

I finally opened the door just as he was about to knock again. His angry eyes took in my figure from head to toe, stopping a little longer on my cleavage.

"What the fuck are you wearing?" He seethed.

"A dress?" I said in an are-you-stupid tone.

"This isn't the one I picked!"

"No, it's the one I picked." I pointed at myself to emphasize the word 'I'.

He growled and ran a hand through his hair. "Go change."

"Change? But we'll be late." I said in fake concern.

He growled again and grabbed my hand, dragging me behind him to where I supposed the ball was. "Not a word to anyone, stay close to me, and don't make eye contact with anyone."

"Anything else I should add to my to-do list?" I asked sweetly.

He didn't answer as we reached two tall wooden doors that opened at our arrival. Behind them, two crowds of people separated by a red carpet stood still, watching us walk down the carpet. I made sure to make contact with everyone I could.

We reached two thrones where he sat and motioned for me to sit on the other. The people bowed before standing still.

"Thank you all for coming here to celebrate the return of your former king and queen. They will arrive shortly; until then, enjoy the food and music."

The people bowed again before doing what they were doing. At the arrival of his parents, Lucifer grabbed my hand and led me over to where they were standing after everyone bowed.

A man who looked like the older version of Lucifer but with green eyes held out his hand. Lucifer shook it and nodded his head at him. "Father."

"Son." The man nodded back.

That's it? No hug and kiss or a 'hey, daddy'?

The woman who was holding on to the man's arm came over and pulled Lucifer into a big hug. "I've missed you so much, baby." I bit my tongue to hold in my laughter.

Lucifer blushed slightly and hugged his mother back. Her eyes focused on me over Lucifer's shoulder. "And who is this?" She asked as she pulled away from her son.

"I'm Shalom." I ignored the devil's glare as I extended my arm out for her to shake. "Nice to meet you."

She smiled warily and hesitated to shake my hand. "Likewise. And who might you be to Lucifer, if you don't mind me asking?"

"Not at all. I'm your son's m-"

"Mom, dad, why don't you go greet your guests. You'll have plenty of time to talk to us later." I shot daggers at his head which he ignored.

His father gave him a curt nod as he grabbed his wife's hand, lightly tugging her to the direction he needs to go. "C'mon honey." She gave me a quick smile before leaving with her husband.

"What is wrong with you?" I placed my hands on my hips. "Are you that ashamed of me that you don't even want your parents knowing that I'm your mate? I thought that maybe you'd be happy considering that you've been waiting for me for 18 years!"

"I would've been if you were what I wanted you to be." His words cut through me like knives, but I masked my hurt expression with one of indifference.

"I'm sorry that I don't reach your expectations, your highness, but I'm me and that's all that matters. You either accept me for who I am, or you rule hell with an empty throne to your left." I collected my dress with my right hand and left without waiting for his response. Not that there is something to respond to that.

I wasn't sure where I was going, but my question was answered when I spotted a buffet in the right corner. No one was near the table, making it easier for me to pig out on those chocolate doughnuts. Grabbing a plate, I placed three doughnuts along with some cookies. I spotted a two seat table placed conveniently a few feet away from the buffet. With a smile and my plate in my hand, I strolled over to the table but stopped when I saw heaven in a small cup and a small spoon resting over it. Nutella! I quickly grabbed four cups of the delicious goodness and miraculously fitted them in my plate. Ignoring people's, especially women's, stares, I decided that I would like to spend my make-out session with my food somewhere peaceful. So, with glare at the demons staring at me, I slipped out of the huge doors, using the queen-card on the guards, and found myself in the backyard once again.

"Stupid mates, stupid devil." I grumbled to myself as I angrily stomped further away from the house. "Stupid period. Stupid feelings. Stupid-AHH" I screamed and jumped back making some of my plate contents fall off as a figure fell right in front of me.


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