Chapter 10

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The figured groaned and squirmed slightly before laying as still as a statue. Is it dead?

I nudged it with my foot cautiously and stepped back, waiting for some sort of reaction. When it gave none, I nudged it again. I placed my plate on the ground safely a few steps away from the figure and got ready to repeat my earlier action. But before my heel could make contact with the it, my ankle was grabbed and I was pulled down. A small yelp escaped my lips as I made contact with the cool grass and my arms were pinned over my head. The it hovered above me and, from the closeness, I was able to identify it as a man in his mid-twenties.

"Would you stop kicking me?!" His deep voice whisper-yelled.

Offended, I reasoned with him. "You're the one who almost fell on me! I could've died!" I whisper-yelled back. "Where did you come from anyway? Fall from the sky?"

He chuckled nervously. "About that..." He trailed off.

My eyes widened. "You did! Do hot guys always fall from the sky every night here? If I had known, I would've come here ages ago!"

The man chuckled and released me, sitting beside me on the grass. "So," I started as I sat up," who are you?"

"I'm Marcus." He offered me his hand.

"Shalom." I shook his outstretched hand.

"Pretty name for a pretty girl." He gave me a small smile.

I blushed slightly at his words before clearing my throat. "So do you always go falling out of the sky and almost killing people?" I jokingly asked.

He chuckled and grabbed a fistful of the grass beneath us. "Actually, I'm an angel." His words shocked me, leaving me temporarily frozen.

"A fallen angel?" I asked in barely a whisper. He gave me a weird look. "I've always wanted one!" I tackled him in a hug.

He awkwardly patted my back. "Why did you fall though?" I pulled away and asked him.


"Wait, why are you even here? Shouldn't you be playing a harp in heaven or something?"

He let out a small laugh. "I decided to fly around for a bit. I guess I was so engrossed in my world that I didn't notice where I was heading."

"But why did you fall?"

"I think I was startled when I noticed that I wasn't in my territory and I just...forgot to fly?" He offered sheepishly.

I laughed. "You're lucky I'm the one who you nearly killed and not one of the guards or my mate."

"Your mate?"

"Lucifer." I shrugged.

He jumped to his feet. "Your mate is the devil?!"


"But-but you're not evil." He bewildered.

"Just because I'm mated to the devil, doesn't mean I'm like him."


"I can't believe you did that!" I laughed and stuffed another spoon of Nutella in my mouth as Marcus did the same.

"Neither did I, but then he showed me a video and then I wanted to die from embarrassment right then and there."

It's been about two hours since I've left the ball and been talking to Marcus. He was a great guy and I was having so much fun.

"Let's just say, I never went to another party again-" A few footsteps along with a couple murmurs were heard approaching us. I jumped to my feet and pulled at Marcus' hand.

"Get up quick, who knows what they-or my mate- would do once they find you here. Go, quick!" I pushed at his body.

He pulled me into a quick hug. "Come visit one day, okay?" He spread his beautiful white wings and flew out before I could give him an answer.


"Your highness, we've been looking everywhere for you!" I faced the guards as they advanced towards me. "The king is looking for you. Meet him in your room." They bowed in respect and left without another word.

Our room? Is the ball over already?! Oh, God. I am royally screwed. (A/N LOL get it? royally?)

I collected my dress and begrudgingly trotted over to our room. As soon as I shut the door behind me, a growl made me spin around to face an angry devil.

"Where the hell were you?" He growled out.

I opened my mouth to speak but closed it right after as no words came out.

"In the backyard." I calmly replied once I've sorted out my thoughts.

"In the backyard? You were supposed to be by my side the whole night!" He furiously replied.

Deciding I wasn't in the mood for an argument, I ignored him and made my way to the bathroom. Before my hand could make contact with the handle, I was pulled back by my wrist.

"Look at me when I'm talking to you!"

"But you weren't talking-"

"Now's not-" He stopped mid sentance and looked at me with furrowed eyebrows, pulling me closer with the grip on my wrist and took a sniff of the air near me.

Why is he-Oh no.

He released a ferocious growl, one that I had never heard before, and glared at me with eyes as red as my blood will be on the carpet as his grip tightened to a point where it hurt.

"Lucy you're hurting me." I whimpered.

"You little-I catch a different man's smell on you each time. Is that where you go off? Hanging out with men behind my damn back?!" His demonic voice boomed scaring me more than I already am. "I dreamed of a mate only to get someone like you." He gave me a once over before letting go of my wrist harshly.

I tried blinking away the tears but I failed miserably as tears dropped down my cheek one by one. I held my injured wrist and set my gaze on the ground.

"Exuse me, your highness." I choked out before rushing out of the room, keeping my head down the whole way.

I didn't know where I was going. But with a broken heart, I didn't care.


GUYS I haven't been updating recently and I apologize for that but school is just so stressful and there's a lot of pressure that I barely have time to take a break before I sleep. I spend all day studying and it's sucks.

Anyway, vote, please, I like to see that little star in reward for my hard work.

Love y'all!

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