Chapter 3.

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Chapter 3.

***Harrys P.O.V***

I woke up to the sound of Louis voice.

"What" I yawned rubbing my eyes.

"Dude we have been kidnapped" he yelled.

"You think I haven't noticed that?" I replied.

"Come on" Liam also yelled "We gotta think of a plain". I didn't realize that the others were up to.

"Well your daddy direction, tell us what to do" I reminded him. He pursued his lips obviously having to think about what I had just said.

"Well?" I impatiently asked.

He shrugged his shoulders "I don't know". For the first time ever daddy direction didn't know what to do. I mentally sighed. If Liam didn't know what to do then no one did. Were toast. Cassidy started to wake up. I watched as her eyes slowly fluttered open.

"Good morning love" I smiled. She blushed and hid her face in my chest. She then cleared her throat. "Good morning everyone" she quietly said with a smile painted on her face. She had dimples; wow can't believe I just noticed. I fought the urge to poke it like Louis does with mine. I then just decided to go back to the conversation that was accruing between Lou and Cas. Lou was talking about how much he loves carrots and Cassidy was trying to annoy him by gagging every time he mentioned the word carrot, which was quite often.

"Stop it" Lou pouted like a little boy.

"No" Cassidy slowly said with the biggest grin on her face obviously feeling pleased with herself.

"Hazza" Louis yelled while basically jumping on me "Tell that mean girl to stop".

I cheekily smiled "Don't hurt my Boobear's feelings or you'll be dealing with me later".

"Bring it curly" she challenged me.

"Oh don't worry I will". We all laughed until someone came bursting through the door. It was the brunette.

"You guys hungry?" she obnoxiously asked. Niall's face lit up from the words he just encountered. The brunette then through some bags of chips and soda cans on the floor.

"Eat up" she commanded "Before I change my mind". Niall wasn't risking losing any food so here ran to it and stuffed chips down his throat. She gave him a snotty look and walked out the door.

****4 days later****

We have been here for a couple of days and it was hell. The blonde whose name is Kathleen has a crush on me. She keeps on trying to kiss, but I kept on refusing. The brunette whose name is Sabrina has a crush on Zayn. Right now she's sitting on his lap touching his hair which Zayn is hating so much. The other blonde whose name is Carly also loves me. Her and Kathleen get in fights sometimes about who loves me the most. Anyways when they were finished torturing us they gave the boys and I a kiss. Ew there dirty lips touched mine, gross. When they left Kathleen dropped something on her way out. I got up and picked up a phone. I smiled "Hey guys". Hearing that everyone drew there attention to me. "Look she dropped her phone" I held the phone in the air to show them. Cassidy came running to me to see for herself. She smiled and gave me a hug. She then pulled away. "Wow that was stupid of her" she said. I agree it was stupid of her to drop her phone basically in the hands of her victims.

"Call someone" Nicolle eagerly demanded. I turned the phone on and dialed 911. I then frowned. "There's no connection". Cassidy also frowned.

"Wait you guys look" Lou pointed behind me. I turned to see that the door was left open a little.

"Wow she really is stupid" Cassidy laughed.

"Well" Nicolle asked, "What are we doing standing around here for? Let's get out of here".

We all nodded and ran out the door. Before I ran I stopped Cassidy and told her to hold on to the phone she nodded and slipped it into her pocket. And we ran out the door. Those girls didn't want her and Nicolle they wanted us and if we get caught again they might have a chance of getting away and call for help.

We have been running for 25 min straight and I'm exhausted. The girls seem to be fine, because they didn't slow down not once. Next thing I knew they were out of sight.

"Guys" I yelled "The girls are ahead of us, let's get a move on".

I was about to try and catch up with the girls when Niall stopped. "I can't" he complained "I cant run anymore I need to take a, a break". I didn't want to stop but agreed on taking a break, but at the same time I felt a little nervous about leaving the girls by themselves.

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