Chapter 4.

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Chapter 4.

***Cassidy's P.O.V***

I'm so tired, I can't believe I ran this long, I need to stop. I stopped and Nicolle seemed to stop the exact moment when I did. Did she read my mind or something? I collapsed on the floor, and just laid there and relaxed. "Hey" Nicolle interrupted my relaxation.

"What" I moaned in anger.

"You've got the phone right?" she asked.

"Yes Nicolle" I informed her, "What kind of stupid person would leave the phone they needed to call for help with?".

I put my hands in my pocket but it wasn't there. I then looked in my back pocket and it wasn't there either. I started to panic.

"Well do you have it" she asked again.

"Ugh yeah" I said not sounding sure.

"Why'd you say it like that?" she asked.

"What do you mean" I tried to hide.

"You know what I mean" she looked in my eyes.

I can't take it anymore. "Fine" I gasped, "I think I might have dropped when we were running, I'm so sorry. She was quiet for a second then relished all her anger out

"You what?, ugh looks who's stupid now".

"Hey" I yelled, "It's not my fault".

"Ha" she laughed, "Oh yeah sure its not".

Nicolle can be a little mean sometimes, I just decided to ignore her last comment for the better.

"So what are we gonna do now?" I asked.

She shook her head "Don't know" she laid her head in her hands in frustration.

"Oh" I sighed. Nicolle's right it is my entire fault she probably hates me now. I then suddenly realized "Where are the boys" I yelled. Nicolle looked up and then also realized to.

"They were right behind us" she claimed "They couldn't have disappeared". I started to get scared. What If they got captured again? Nicolle and I started to look around. I looked in the bushes and she looked around the corner we just came from, but no boys in sight. I then decided to look in the woods that were right behind me. When I first stepped foot in there I got a creepy feeling. "Harry" I called out "Louis....Niall....Zayn....Liam, anybody out there? No answer. I then heard noises like bushes rustling. It sounded like someone coming towards me. I started to nervously look around, but saw no one then I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"AH" I screamed and punched whoever in the chest. I didn't feel what I thought I would feel. I then realized that it was a boy and kicked them were the sun doesn't shine they yelped like a girl and fell to the ground. Yep definitely a boy. I quickly tried to run but was pulled by the leg "Help" I screamed "Someone please help me". I tried to get my leg back, but I couldn't. Whoever was trying to get me was strong.

"Stop Cassidy it's me" a familiar voice said, "Please stop, it's me" the familiar voice said again. I stopped to try and figure out where I heard the voice before then it hit oh my gosh, it's Harry.

"Oh my god Harry I'm really sorry please forgive me" I pleaded.

"It's ok" he said.

I helped him up and apologized once again. I feel really bad for kicking his ass like that. He just kept on saying its ok but I still feel guilty.

"Nice kick" he admitted while laughing.

"Oh, um thanks" I said while blushing. Hope he didn't notice though even though it was dark out he still might be able to see. "So, what happened to you guys?" I finally announced "You were right behind us and then just disappeared".

"Oh um well you see Niall got really tired and couldn't run anymore so we all decided to take a break and then find you guys" he explained.

"Ah I see" I finally understood.

"Yep" he added popping the p. I couldn't help but smile, and he noticed and just grabbed my hand. And we walked together the rest of the way out of the woods.

***Louis P.O.V***

Where's Hazza? He's been gone for quite some time. Wonder if he found Cassidy?

"Found her" someone yelled from behind. I spun around and there was Harry and Cassidy coming out of the woods.

"Hazza" I screamed and ran to him, almost knocking him and Cas over. I gripped on his arm tightly, my way of showing him how much I missed him.

"Ouch Boobear" he cried, "Could you squeeze a little harder?".

I did as he asked and tightly squeezed. "Ow" he yelled "What was that for?".

"You said to squeeze a little harder" I informed him while putting my hands in the air in defense.

"I was being sarcastic" he frowned while rubbing his arm.

"Well next time don't be" and I stomped away. Cassidy started to giggle, and I just looked at her and started grinning. She caught my glance.

"Aw is someone a witle jewas?" she asked in a baby voice pouting. Harry then laughs.

"No" I defended myself "Why would I be?".

She rolled her eyes "Well" she started, "I'm laughing, and hogging your man, why wouldn't you be mad?".

"Because you both are just friends".

"What if we weren't?" she asked while holding on to his arm. Harry looked at her in pleasure. I'm sensing a little bit of liking here.

"Well then me and Hazza would be done" I ended the conversation.

"But Boobear" he pleaded.

"Done" I yelled. He just pouted. Ha I win, kind of.

"Let's start walking again" Nicolle asked "I'm starting to get really tired and I'm not sleeping out here".

"Yeah" Zayn agreed with her. Sensing more liking here.

"Come on guys lets go" Liam added. If daddy direction says let's go then it's let's go and that's that, most of the times. We then started walking.

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