Chapter 11.

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Chapter 11.

***Louis P.O.V***

Did Harry just say hes in love with Cassidy? My Hazza in love? WOW. Harrys in love, Harrys in love, i kept on reapting in my head. When i finished mocking Harry in my head i whispered to Zayn something mean, but what i thought was kind of appropriate at the moment. I then whispered to others, except for Harry of course.

"3....2...1" we whispered. "Harry and Cassidy sitten in a tree, K.I.S.S.I.N.G, first comes love, then comes marriage, then comes a baby with a baby carriage". We all gave smoochy faces to the two love birds. Harry gave me an evil glare and Cassidy was just blushing. We all started laughing.

"Cassidy just ingnore them, there just jealous that no one loves them" Harry informed her and us.

"Are you sure about that?" I asked him.


"Nicolle", I looked at Nicolle and she started to look worried. "Do you love someone here?, someone perhaps named Zayn?". She started to slowly back away out of the room.

"Get her" I yelled. Then she ran. We caught her at the end of the hall about to lock herself in the bedroom. Zayn grabbed her by the waist and I granned her by the legs. "Stop kicking" I yelled.


"Stop or esle".

"Or else what?" she asked. She still kept on kicking.

"Ok you asked for it", I then started tickling her.

"Stop, stop please stop" she laughed.

"I'll stop when you answer the question"

"Never carrot boy"

"Ok" and i kept on tickling her more.

"Ok, ok you win" she gave in.

"I thought you would, now spill"

"Yes, I do"

"You do what?" Zayn asked while smiling.

She just rolled her eyes then sighed, "Yes, I do love you Zayn, I've always have"

"I thought you did". And he just kissed her. Man these people can kiss. I started to feel a little awkward just standing here.

"Um, well I'm just gonna go and eat some carrots now" I said, "So yea" I then ran till they were out of sight. I walked in the kitchen and got a big bag of carrots. I wasn't joking when i said I was going to eat carrots, I never am and never will. When I got them I sat on the couch and watched a disturbing view. Harry and Cassidy snogging. I looked away, One because it's weird to stare at someone when their snogging and two I can't bare to see my Hazza in the arms of another. Now i knew how he felt when I was dating Scarlett.

***Niall's P.O.V***

Ew today has been one gross and weird day. Man i want someone to love me. I went to the kitchen, grabbed a bag a chips and tightly huged it. I know there's one thing that will always be by my side, food. I opened the bag and ate the whole thing. Im soo lonel........ Im still hungry. I went to the kitchen and ate the rest of the bags of chips we had. When the snogging finished i went back to the living room.

"Where's Nicolle and Zayn?" Cas asked

"Don't know probably expressing their love for eachother" Lou quoted.

"Ew" I yelled. "I don't need another image of that, please". Everyone laughed.

"Niall" Cas explained, "You need to grow up a little"

"As Lou says never". Lou then smiled. "You tell them" he put his thumbs up. I smiled back. The rest of the day was Still a little weird, not as much, but still a little.

Authors note:

Sorry if it's a little short, I'm in a bit of a rush. Anyways tragedy might strike in the next two or three chapters so keep on reading to find out. Thanks for reading xxxxx

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