Chapter 14.

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***Cassidy's P.O.V***

I cant believe Ive been kidnapped again, but who kidnapped me. They sound familiar. "You stupid, why didnt you kidnap Nicolle to?". "Hey it's not my fault she wasnt out there with her". "Man now we have to go back and get her, but not now tomorrow they would probably be protecting Nicolle now". "K". Wait a minute it sounds like.... My blind fold was taken off. OMG it is. "Kathleen, Carly, and Sabrina?". They nodded with an evil look on their faces. "But I...". "You thought you could escape from us did you?" Kathleen said. "But how?". "When we found out that you guys escaped we looked everywhere, but couldnt find you. we were about to give up when we saw you and Harry in some red car pulling into the drive way of a cabin". "Oh". "You should've been more careful, so anyways when we saw you we decided to try and kidnap you and Nicolle again then later on the guys, but are plan didnt exacty work out since only you came outside and not Nicolle to". I smiled, yes Nicolles safe, well for now. Nicolle beware!

***Next day, Harrys P.O.V***

"This is all my fault"

"Hazza no its not, you didnt know that she was going to get kidnapped again, none of us did" Lou tried to help me feel better, but it didnt work.

"If I didnt just go after her to comfort her in her toughest moment she wouldnt be gone, she would still be here"

"Hazza stop"

"I cant Lou I love her I'm supposed to protect her, I'm supposed to always be there for her and I failed, she doesnt deserve someone like me" I started to cry. Lou rubbed my back for comfort. "Hazza she does deserve someone like you your smart, funny, sweet, protective, and much more any girl would be lucky to have a guy like you". "Are you just saying that cause were mates?". "No, not at all". I started to realize that Lou was right and calmed down.

"So, why dont we try and see if we can find some clues of who took her?" he asked.

"Sure". We all went outside and started to look around. I still felt a little guilty, but not as much. We looked in the trees and around the road to see if something of the kidnappers was dropped and left behind. We've been looking around for the past hour and so far nothing. Then all of a suden I heard a car door open someone scream and a car door close. We looked around and we were all here except for Nicolle. "Wheres Nicolle" Zayn yelled. We all shook our heads. Ive got a bad feeling. Next thing we knew a van quickly drove out of the woods across from us, the same van that we saw yesterday when Cassidy disapeared. Oh my gosh they probably kidnapped Nicolle.

"Nicolle" we all yelled after the van. I ran the fastest that I have ever ran in my life. The van started to speed up and so did we. After about 20 minutes of chasing after it I couldnt do it anymore as much as I wanted to keep on running I couldnt. After a while Zayn stopped to, poor guy now he knows how it felt when Cassidy got kidnapped to. The van was out of sight. I cant believe we let this happen again, this is definitly our fault. Knowing what happened to Cassidy we shouldve protected Nicolle more better. Man are we bad boyfriends.

"Damn" Zayn yelled while scratching his head, "I cant believe we let this happen...again". He started to tear a little.

"Zayn dont worry we will find them trust me" I infomed him. He nodded and started to calm down. We will find whoever took them and when we do they will pay.

****Nicolles P.O.V****

We were looking around for anything that the kidnappers left behind, when all of a suden a van pulled in front of me and two figures dressed in black jumped out started running towards me. I ran, but was pulled by my hair. I screamed and then a hand covered over my mouth. I tried to get my self free from the grip of the kidnappers when i felt a pinch on my shoulder. I looked and one of them sticked a needle inside of me. I started to feel dizzy and droopy. Last thing I remember was being thrown in side the van and seeing Cassidy tide up. She was trying to get to me but failed. Then I fell into a deep sleep.

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