Chapter 5.

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Chapter 5.

***Niall's P.O.V***

So hungry I think I'm hallucinating. Is that a rock or a cheeseburger? "Are we there yet?" I kept on repeating, "Are we there yet?". No answer. "Are we" I was interrupted rudely. "No" everyone yelled. Jeesh they didn't have to be rude. "Well then" I last said then shut up.

***Zayn's P.O.V***

Were lost is all I could think of. Were lost and no one's gonna find us. This has to be the worst day in my entire life. Well at least I get one good thing out of it, Nicolle. She's cute, sweet, funny, and sometimes shy I like that in a girl. I keep on trying to flirt with her but she always acts like she's not interested. What am I doing wrong? She's playing hard to get, which makes me want her more. Ugh help me I need to stop constantly thinking about her. The way she laughs, smiles, the way her eyes sparkle, the way her hair moves, her. Stop it Zayn snap out of it. I think I may be falling in love? I've never felt this way about a girl before, never. What would Harry do? Tough one, well he would tell a girl right away that he likes her, but I can't do that I don't even think she likes me I'll just look stupid if I do. I'll just ask him for advice later.

We've been walking for a while now and nothing in sight. No cars, barely any light poles, no houses nothing. Wait I think I see something, It's a cabin. "Look" I yelled and pointed to the cabin a couple blocks away from us.

"Good eye" Louis said.

I just smiled feeling pleased with myself.

"Let's Go" Nicolle yelled while grabbing my hand and starting to run.

Maybe she does like me? When we got there it looked abandoned.

"How are we gonna get in?" Cas asked

We all looked around to see if there was something strong enough to open the door with.

"How about this?" Louis asked. We all turned around to see him holding a wrench in his hand.

"That'll work" I said.

I took the wrench and tried to open the door. After a couple of times of jabbing the door it finally swung open. I threw the wrench on the ground and was about to walk in when.

"Wait" Nicolle yelled while pulling me back, "You don't know what or who's in there, there could be a killer in there for all we know?"

I smiled a put my arm around her shoulder, "I'll protect you"

She blushed and then we all walked in. It's abandoned alright, but there's still furniture inside.

"Look's alright in here I guess?" Liam said, "It doesn't look like it's been abandoned for a while"

"How would you know?" Nicki asked

"Dust" Liam informed

"Dust?" she repeated

"Yep" Liam nodded, "There's not much dust around so we can indicate that the owners left not that long ago"

"Oh" she said, with a confused look on her face.

"So, were staying here" Cas said while throwing herself on the couch, starting to get comfortable.

Wow 5 min here and she already feels at ease.

"Sounds good to me" Nicolle added while also throwing herself on the couch. I thought she was scared?

"First we need to look around, get a good view of the house then we can decide whether to stay or not" Liam stated.

The girls just sighed then agreed.

"Ok so down here first" I said while running around. "Ouch" I yelled "I ran into something".

"Yeah me" Niall complained

"Oh sorry"

"No probe, why doesn't someone just turn on the light?"

We all looked around for a switch, but it was kind of hard because we kept on either running into each other or furniture.

"Found it" Harry then turned on the light.

My mouth just dropped. Oh my god rich people used to live here, well at least it looks that way. There was a huge 40 inch flat screen TV covering most of the wall, 3 game systems, popcorn and cotton candy machine, and much much more.

"Wow" Nicolle and Cas gasped at the same time.

We all just stood there for a while admiring the view.

"Let's check the rest" Lou yelled.

While we looked around we discovered a huge kitchen, master bedroom and bathroom down here, two more master bedrooms upstairs, an entertainment room with instruments like guitars, drums, and piano also upstairs, a storage room with a computer inside, and an attic that no one really wanted to go in. When we finished we all sat down in the living room. I sat next to Nicolle on one of the couches, Lou on the other with Liam and Niall, and Harry and Cas on the floor.

"So, sleeping arrangements?" Cas asked

"Well" Liam responded, "Where do you two want to want to sleep?"

"Doesn't matter, I guess down here, Nicolle?" Cas asked and Nicolle nodded.

"Are you sure?" I asked

"Yeah you guys are the pop stars you get the bigger rooms, besides the couch is a pull out so it would as if we were sleeping in one of the rooms"

I gave them an are you sure glare and they just nodded again.

"Ok, boys?" Liam asked

"I'm sleeping in the room down here" Harry quickly blurted out. I think he just wants to be closer to Cassidy.

"Ok so the one of the upstairs bedroom will be shared with Lou and Niall, and I will share the other one with Zayn" Liam last said.

We all nodded.

"I don't know about you guys, but I'm going to bed" Cas said "So night"

We all then agreed that it's getting late and started going to our rooms. Before I left I heard Harry tell Cas something. It sounded like he said "Cas you have the option of sleeping with me you know?". Oh Harry of course you would say that.

"No thanks" she responded.

"Ok, but you're going to be missing out on a lot"

"Not really" she yelled

"We'll see about that"

"Night Harry" she last said.

"Night Cas" he also last said. Then went in his room.

"Night Nicolle" I smiled, "Don't let the bed bugs bit"

She blushed, "Nighty night Zayn, same to you"

We all then went to bed.

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