Chapter 19.

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Chapter 19.


This chapter is also going to be dramatic. I know my story is very dramatic, but I love dramatic love storys, so yea. Anyways hope you like it<3

******Cassidys P.O.V******

"Goodbye" I said to Harry, "I love you"

"Goodbye Cas, I love you to". Harry tightly hugged me. Man am I going to miss his hugs. I never wanted to let go, but Liam told Harry that its time to leave. I sighed. "Bye, call me as soon as your in London" I started to tear more and he quicly wiped them from existince. "Remember what I said we will see eachother soon". I nodded, "I know". "Hazza" Liam yelled. "Go" I sighed, "Its ok Im fine". He gave me one last hug and kiss then went into the car. I looked at Nicolle and she was crying to. I went over to her and huged her. We waved as the car started to drive away. "I'll miss you" I whisphered.

We waited about 10 more minutes till our ride came. We grabbed our things and went inside. We gave the driver the directions to our house and he put them in his GPS. Then we were off. As we drove away from the cabin all the bad things that happened to us was left behind, but the tragic part is that all the goods things that happened to us was also left behind. In a way Im kind of happy that we got kidnapped. Crazy I know, but if we didnt I wouldnt have been able to be with Harry and Nicolle wouldnt have been able to be with Zayn. Anyways we were 15 minutes away from my house. I mentally sighed, I dont want to go back to an empty house, where I would be alone for another month. My parents are on vacation with Nicolles parents. I know what your thinking, then why didnt you go with them. Well they asked us if we wanted, but we both said no. Crazy thing to say, but we wanted to be by ourselves for a while. There probably going to try and come home early since they found out that we were kidnapped. "Ok just make a left" I told the driver. When he did, I really wish he hadn't. A truck was speeding our way. "Stop, pull to the side" Nicolle and I yelled. Theres no place like home, theres no place like home I kept on repeating to myself. "Stop the car!" we yelled. But before we knew it, it was to late. We smashed against the side of the truck. I fell foward and hit my head against the radio. Nicolle fell to the side and hit her head on the glass, she passed out when she did. The driver was killed instinintly. We stopped swerving. "Help" I croaked out, "Someone help". I managed to climb out of the car. "Help!" I screamed while crying, "Someone help, please". I then saw someone running out of their house to me. "Are you ok?" a woman asked. I shook my head. "What happened?" she asked. "Car accident, truck speeding up to us" I slowly said. "Im going to call 911". I nodded then fell to ground and past out.

*****Nicolles P.O.V*****

When we turned left. We saw a truck come speeding towards us out of no where. "Stop, turn to the side" Cas and I yelled, "Stop". Next thing I knew we smashed against the side of the truck. The person that was driving the truck didnt stop drving at all. Cas fell foward and hit her head against the radio, and I fell side ways hitting my head against the window. Next thing I knew I was out.

******Harrys P.O.V******

We were about to get in the plane when Paul got a phone call. "Hello" he answered. He started to frown, "What how?". "Ok we will be right there".

"Whats wrong?" I asked

"I'll tell you when we get there"

"What why?"

"Just come on". That was kind of weird. We got in the car and drove off. We then later on pulled in front of a hospital. I looked at the boys who looked confused.

"Why are we here?"

Paul sighed, "The girls have been in a very bad car accident".

"What" we all yelled.

"Why didnt you tell us before?" I madly asked.

"Because you would of freaked out".

"Come lets go". We got out of the car and ran in the hospital. Paul aked the woman at the desk where their room was. "214" she calmly said. We than ran to room 214. When we walked in I just broke down. Cassidy and Nicolle were wired to these machines. They both look lifeless, pale, and cold.

"Cassidy" I whispered, "Cassidy". I then ran to the side of her bed. "Cassidy wake up, wake up come on wake up" I begged. "Stop come on shes not going to wake up now" Paul said. "She will" I yelled while tears poured freely down my face. "Cassidy" I slowly whispered, "You have to wake up, I love you, you cant leave me". I looked at Zayn and he was still standing in the same spot he was when we walked in. He looks shocked and hurt. He then blurted out, "Nicolle". He then ran to her side of the bed. "Nicolle your going to get better, please say shes going to get better" He asked us. No one answered. He then started to cry. The nurse then came in, "Oh so Im guessing your the family?". We shook our heads. "Oh, friends then". We nodded. "Ok um im sorry, but Im going to have to ask you all to leave". I looked up at her, "What" I madly asked. "Im sorry, but they have to go in surgery now, you can wait in the waiting room if you like". Surgery, they have to go in surgey. Why? is all I could think of, Why them they didnt deserve this, they have been through enough already. It took them a while to get Zayn and I out, but after a while we just gave in. We walked into the waiting room and sat down on the chairs. We were all crying our eyes out, especially Zayn an I. They just have to get better, they just have to.

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