Chapter 6.

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Chapter 6.

***Harry's P.O.V***

I'm so tired. I want to stay in bed all day today, but I know I can't Lou and Liam would never let me and besides I want to spend some time with Cassidy today to get to know her better. I opened my eyes to see the sun greeting me. I quickly closed them and threw myself back on my pillow. Wow the window really gets a good view of the sun. I started to get a little hot, but still just laid there not moving at all. After a while I couldn't take it anymore and just dragged myself out of bed. I was about to walk out of the room in my trunks when I remembered about the two girls sleeping on the couch. I slipped on the pants I wore yesterday and walked out.

"Everyone's still asleep?" I whispered to myself. Wow! I can't believe I'm the first one up, Liam usually is and I'm usually last. I walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge, but no food in sight. I then rummaged through the cabinets and still no food insight. Oh yeah I forgot the house was abandoned. My stomach growled, man I'm so hungry. I just shook it off and walked in the living room. I sat on the couch not occupied by the girls and just watched Cassidy sleeping. She started to wake up. She sat up and yawned, but she then opened her eyes and froze in place. She peeked from the side her eye, and jumped

"Harry" she screamed, "Is it a habit of yours to stare at someone while there sleeping then scare them half to death?"

"Maybe" I smirked.

She just rolled her eyes. "I'm hungry, what about you curly?" she asked while smiling.

"Language" I warned her "And yes, but there's no food here, at all"

"Oh, well then let's go shopping"

"Shopping" I repeated, "May I ask how?"

She paused and thought about it then shrugged her shoulders, "Walking I guess"

"Walking" I also repeated, "Well if you're gonna be the one who walks then I'm way ahead of you, cause I'm not"

"Don't need to be grumpy, did someone wake up on the other side of the bed this morning?"


"Shut up!" Nicolle yelled out of nowhere, "Some of us are trying to sleep not flirt"

Cassidy and I nervously looked at each other.

"Flirting?, we were not flirting" Cas explained

"Yeah we were just simply talking" I added

"Yeah, yeah now shut up" Nicolle then went back to sleep or at least tried.

"We were totally not flirting right" Cas asked

"Ugh, yea of course not"

It started to get awkwardly quite.

"Good morning my carrots" Lou yelled from the top of the stairs. Thank you Lou.

"Good morning Boobear"

"Yeah good morning Boobear" Cassidy copied.

"That's Mr.Boobear to you" Lou told while pointing a finger at her.

She just threw her hands in the air "Sorry"

"Carrot time" Lou yelled while opening the fridge

"Ah" he screamed, "No food, and worse no carrots, why?"

"Yep, carrots are going to have to wait because we need to find a way to get to a store" Cas informed him

We heard a door open upstairs and someone running. It was Niall.

"I heard someone say no food, please tell me it isn't true, please?" he nervously asked.

"It's true" I responded.

"Get food now" he demanded.

"Unless you've got a car, were going nowhere".

"I think I'm dying" he dramatically claimed while dropping to the floor, "I can see the white light, grams is that you?".

"Drama queen" Cas laughed

Niall got off the floor stood in front of her then said, "Oh so now I'm a girl?"

"Oh sorry" she gasped, "I meant to say drama king"

"You better have". Cassidy and I laughed except for Niall he looked very serious.

"That's it" Nicolle yelled, "If I'm not going to be able to get any sleep I might as well get ready" she stomped into the bathroom and slammed the door. She is a cranky person in the morning like me, but I'm not as bad.

"Surprised she didn't wake the others" I said while laughing. Spoke to soon. Next thing I knew Zayn and Liam were walking down the stairs.

"What was that loud noise?" Liam asked while yawning.

"Nicolle, she got mad because we wouldn't let her get any sleep, so she just went to the bathroom to get ready".

"WHAT!" Zayn yelled, "Does she take a long time getting ready?"

"Sometimes, but she seems really mad so she probably will" Cas answered

"No" he complained

"What's wrong" I asked

"I'm not gonna have enough time to do my hair" he pouted

"Don't worry Zayn" Cas said, "Your hair still looks good"

"No it doesn't"

We just talked for a while and had quite a bit of fun. Cassidy and I were making fun of Louis again, Zayn was complaining about his hair to Liam who seemed to get annoyed with him, and Niall was just talking to his belly telling it everything was going to be alright.

"I'm gonna go for a walk on the beach, anybody wanna come" Cassidy asked.

"Me" I raised my hand. Everyone just laughed.

"What?" I asked. They just laughed again.

"Nothing" Lou claimed.

"Whatever". And I walked out the door with Cassidy.

We walked along the shore while holding each other's hand and talking.

"Really?" she asked

"Yeah that's why Lou is so obsessed with carrots"

"Wow, that's a little weird"

"I know"

"Hey Cas, can I ask you something?" I nervously asked her.

"Sure" she said

"Ok so I um, I want to know if you want to go ou.." I was interrupted.

"What's that?" she asked while pointing to something big and red behind me.

I squinted to see a little better, "It looks like a car".

"It is a car" she yelled, "Let's go tell the others". She grabbed my hand and ran.

Man I finally had the guts to ask her out and she interrupted me. Hope I can do it again?

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