Thanks for all the Congratulations on my pregnancy, everybody. IT'S A GIRL!! 👶🏾💖🌸 She will be born in the winter but my baby shower will be a couple months earlier most likely. But anywho, I have an Amazon baby registry because majority of my family's out of town and won't be able to attend my actual baby shower. If y'all are interested in it, let me know and I can send you the link to the registry. If not, keep negative comments to your self. I wanted to include y'all if ya'll wanted to be included lmao.
I'm telling ya'll now, this update IS NOT very long like the other ones are. It is far from that for a reason. If you don't remember the last chapter, re read it.
"Head over heels in love. Right in front of you, ain't gotta look no more baby. I wanna build this love.And everything you want, you ain't gotta ask for. You got me boo'd up, boo'd up." - Ella Mai
"Noble!" I hear Jaylah yell from the kitchen. I'm chilling in the bed still. I can't think of nothing I need to do today. So, I haven't bothered with getting up. "What?" I yell back. She didn't say nothing. Damn, why she call my name and then decide to get quiet as soon as I try to see what it is? Now, I don't have a choice but to get out the bed.
I just got out of it and stretched. I walk out of her bedroom and into the kitchen. She cooked breakfast even though it's not breakfast time. That's fine by me. I can eat breakfast at any given moment. "Damn, baby. You threw down." I compliment the food I smell and see. "Just something simple." She says, smiling as she gives me a kiss. She cooked an omelet with vegetables and cheese, some bacon, Turkey sausages, and biscuits. She knows this my shit.
"What made you cook?" I ask out of curiosity. She used to cook a lot but after we started falling out, that changed. "I love you and I just wanted to show you even though the gesture is small." She answers. "I love you too. I apologize again for the way the baby shower turned out too. I know yesterday meant a lot to you." I say. She starts laughing some. "I was just mad but I get it. Fights are bound to happen with your family but I still love all of ya'll. It is what it is, Noble. That's what I signed up for when I decided to be with you." She says, making me laugh some.
"Yeah." I agree, digging into my food. She starts laughing. "Slow the hell down. The food ain't getting up and running away." She says, stealing a piece of bacon off my plate. "You ate already?" I ask. "No. I don't really want breakfast food. So, I was hoping we could go grab something for me." She suggests. "Yeah, that's cool. Pick a place. Go get ready then we can head that way." I tell her. She nods her head, walking out of here. She could have the baby and day now. I can't wait.
I finished my food and got dressed. Both of us just left her apartment. We decided to go to this new salad and sandwich restaurant. That ain't my cup of tea but I ain't the one eating it. So, I don't care. I dial Majesty's number then put it on speaker phone while it rings. "What you need?" He asks, laughing at something. His background is loud as hell. "I was calling to see how yo lonely ass doing. You didn't jack yourself off to death last night, did you?" I ask, laughing. "Naw, I got something real special last night." He answers. Huh? "Somebody got Majesty sounding happy. Did he just say special? Oh, wow." Jaylah says, laughing.
"What you get?" I ask. "Mind yo business. What you want, though? I don't even wanna be rude right now." He says. "You on a date?" I ask. "You could say that. I don't know what else to call it." He answers, shocking me. "Who you with, Ashley?" I ask. I haven't known him to admit to being on no date with nobody else. "Fuck no. That bitch not mine no more. I'm with Shai." He answers. I just heard her gasp in the background right along with me and Jaylah. Even Shai was surprised he admitted to kicking it with her.

Thugged Out 4: Real Life
General FictionBook 4 to the Thugged Out Series. Check out 1-3 Remember THIS SHIT IS FREE so keep your negative comments to yourself or simply don't read 😘 Thanks to those who've been along the ride since day 1.