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Jungkooks pov~

Two days...its been two days since that boy signed his death wish. I think it's time to go look for him. I think I've seen him once or twice before, I'm sure it won't be hard find him.

No ones pov~

Jungkook sat on his couch, thinking about where to start looking and decided its time to head out. He got up and headed to his room to grab his notebook so he can write down details about his new victim. It was a beautiful day outside. The weather was nice, perfect day to gather information.

He exited his apartment, jumping into his car and heading to the park. He reached the park, exiting his car..and there he was. He must've just arrived as well, because he was now strolling to a bench.

Jungkook just stood there for a second, before remembering where he was and why he was there. He quickly hid behind a tree and opened his notebook.

Jungkook's pov~

I took out my pen and began writing down the basics, his estimated height, how much he might weigh, what he's wearing, color of his hair, and his features.. I hate to admit this but damn those lips are a sin.

Anyways, all i need to now is get his name. I can't just go up to him, but maybe I could pay someone to ask him??

No ones pov~

Jungkook spots a guy walking on the sidewalk, and he quickly runs up to him. The guy looked up from his phone, annoyed.

"...What?" He said, irritation laced in his voice.

"you see that guy over there?, can you ask him for his name" Jungkook said, pointing to his victim.

The guy started to slowly walk towards jungkook, judgment in his eyes.

Before he could say anything, jungkook blurted out "I'll play you".

The guys expression changed from judgmental to shocked.

"Money?! fuck yes I'll do it" he forced jungkook to shake his hand "yoongi, min yoongi is my Name by the way, yours?"

jungkook answered "jungkook"

"Great, well how much monayyyy we talking kook?" Yoongi asked.

"Well, this information is important, im thinking...100 if you get his name, and keep your mouth shut, no one can know this ever happened, ok?"Jungkook asked.

"100?! Im on it!, stay here, I'll be back" yoongi said smiling widely, before sprinting to his target.

Yoongis pov~

I make my way towards this dude sitting on a bench, I have no clue what so important about getting his name but whatever, I just want that 100. I stand infront of him. And he looks up at me with curiosity.

"Can I help you..?" He said.

"hi, what's your name beautiful?" i say.

"Uhm my name is Park fuck off...anything else?" He said casually.

"park fuck off..really?" I said crossing my arms.

"For you, yeah" he said plainly.

I sigh and say "look, its really important I get your name"

He looks me up and down and says "if you must know, stalker my name is park jimin" he gets up and slowly walks towards me before stopping and saying "now, if you enjoy living it's really important you leave..now " He innocently tilts his head to side, a innocent smile on his face.

"G-got it" I say, bowing slightly before running back to jungkook.

Wow..that dudes scary. I make my way back to jungkook and he hands me the money before anxiously saying "his name his name his name"

"Park Jimin" I say, counting that money money money (A/N:sorry) He thanks me quickly but I grab his arm, stopping him.

"Just a heads up, be careful with that Jimin guy, he's seriously scary" I say truthfully.

He scoffed and said "if only you knew" before wiggling out of my clutch.

no ones pov~

Jungkook watches jimin get up from the bench, walking out of the park. He follows after him, getting in his car when Jimin does.

They drive around for a bit, Jungkook close behind jimin until he stops at a gocery store. He makes his way inside with jungkook following closely behind.

Jimin, oblivious to the whole situation.

Jungkooks pov~

Through out the store jimin picked up rope, knives, masks, spray paint, bleach, gloves, paper towels, and..a candy bar. He makes his way to the cashier. She gave him a weird look, but he just smiles a creepy smile at her...Im really curious as to why he needs these things.

No ones pov~

Jimin makes his way out of the store and loads everything into his car. Jungkook hops into his own car, Snapping photos of jimin.

Jimin drives off, so does jungkook. They make it to a house 'this must be where he lives' jungkook thought, smirking and snapping a photo of the house.

"I'll be back later, sweetheart" jungkook whispers before driving off to his house to prepare for tonight

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