13 [m]

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That was also the day when I started killing people to relieve the pain of my chest and make me forget Yoongi .

And it worked, I started to really love the feeling of killing so now I do it about everyday, this continued for years and then I met jimin, it might not be the best meeting ever , I mean I wanted to kill him... But then I found out that he was also a murderer.

When I saw him torturing that bitch, he just looked so, so ..sexy.

I didn't know what came over me at that moment but I felt the need to just kiss those plump lips of his.

That's when I realized I had fallen in love.

I still barely know anything about him to be honest and I don't know if he really loves me but I want to find out.

Right now I'm driving to Yoongi's house, I got the address from Tae since I forgot it and he put everything he had from Yoongi in a box and kept it there for al those years.

It was a building that seemed abandoned and there was no one living close by, the whole village was abandoned.

'That's the best place for torturing people'

And I was right, I heard screaming coming from the building and they sounded like jimin so I rushed inside only to find nothing. The screaming also stopped.

Then I saw a passage, it wasn't big but I'm sure a human would fit in so I went through it and I found a room at the end of it.

In the the door to the room was closed but had a window so I could see what was going on inside (your head ...sorry not sorry ;) ) .

What I saw shocked me, there was Jimin tied to a bed with Yoongi on top of him, Jimin was fully naked and had scars all over his back, a cock ring on, a few vibrators inside and sticked on him, a butt plug , needles pinned inside his lips to keep his mouth open heck even knives in his hands.

And what Yoongi was doing infuriated me the most. He had his dick in Jimins mouth, was thrusting the vibrator in and out of him and sucking hickeys on his tights.

Jimin POV (before jk came in)

"Now let's get started"

After he said that, he walked towards me and sat on top of me.

He had an insane look on his face, his hand trailed to a box that was places beside us, picked a needle box from it and got one of the needles and brought it close to my face.

I was terrified and couldn't help but scream. "JUNGKOOK!!!HELP!!".

This was a big mistake as the person on top of me put the needle in my lip very slowly so I could feel the pain and scream again.

"Tsk tsk.. don't you dare say that name. Your mine baby boy, or do you want to be punished that bad? Hm?"

I shook my head and whispered a short "sorry" to him.

"Sorry what?" He said in a sickening sweet voice.

"Sorry daddy" I said softly

"I couldn't hear you baby, say it LOUDER!!"

"sorry daddy!!!" I said a bit louder.


"SORRY DADDY!!" At this point I was screaming my lungs out.

"That's it baby, now stay still and be a good boy"

He picked some more stuff out of the box, a cock ring, vibrators, a few knives making me shiver, a whip and a butt plug.

He undressed me with ease and thrusted one of the vibrators inside my hole making me moan, when I was all the way inside he took the controller and turned it on the highest.

After a few seconds he put a second vibrator in, this one was slightly bigger, and also put it on the highest. By now I was a moaning mess but there's still more as he also put the butt plug in making me scream, this really hurt since I still had the needle stabbed in my upper lip making me whine in pain.

"Now now don't be so loud, you don't want people hearing us do ya?"

I shared my head from left to right but he didn't appreciate that as an answer so he picked another needle and pushed it through my underlip. It really hurt a lot but I knew better than to talk back or scream.

"Good boy, now if you don't want any other needle pinned in your lip, don't forget to answer my questions with words... oh and don't forget to call me 'daddy' okay?" he said as I kept silent.

"What did I just tell you?" He said this time angry.

"Okay daddy!" Why do I have to call him daddy, I miss kookie.

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