20 [End]

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-A few weeks later-

Since we haven't gone shopping in a while because we were kinda *cough* busy.

I decided that maybe we can celebrate the fact that we're together and surprisingly, still alive.

I was on my way home when I got a call from Hoseok, saying that I needed to come as fast as I could because Kook's is trouble.

So I ran as fast as I could, stealing someone's bike in the process.
But when I got home, I realized it was already to late.

There he was, the love of my life laying on the ground, passed out in a puddle of blood.

I ran up to him.

"K-kook, stay with me!"

"Jimin, you know- *cough*"

He didn't sound like he'd last any longer so I told him to stop talking but he looked me straight in the eyes and said.

"You know I love you, right?"

I was shocked for a second but gave him a smile and shook my head yes.

"I know and that I-is why you have to hang on okay?"

He shook his head no, making my tears fall of actual sadness.
This hasn't happened since my mom left me at the orphanage.

"Heh, we really are just a pair of murderers huh?"

With tears in my eyes I answered
"Yeah I guess so"

He chuckled for a bit but that soon turned into a look that was hard to read but I understood it immediately he said the following words.

"Do you ever just-"
He inhaled sharply, having a hard time breathing but looked determined to end his scentence.
"Feel like you shouldn't have been born, or that we shouldn't have met each other"

In any other situation I would've lied and told him the words 'of course not' but I just couldn't so I spoke the truth.

"Of course I have, you seriously think that after all that we've done, that I have done. That would never have just a little bit of regret!? But-" I held my breath for a while.
"I love you too you know. As wrong as it may look in the eyes of others, I think it's just perfect. Our psycho love"
I ended with a smile on my face, yet a tear rolling over my cheek.

"Our psycho love"
Were the last words that came out of his mouth until his pulse disappeared and he closed his eyes.

He died smiling.

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