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Jungkook POV

I woke up with a naked Jimin beside me ... I quickly shot up and realized what had happened yesterday.
"Oh god...". I walked to my closet and took some random clothes out of it and threw them at Jimin, waking him up.

"Hmmmaahhh, I slept great, wait.... whY AM I NAKED!?"
"Wait a sec... you can't tell me you forgot."

He took a second to think and suddenly turned red , making me laugh.

"WHY YOU LAUGHING!?!" He screamed at me.

"Because y-you looked so cute all red like blood!" I said back making him blush even more.

Suddenly I hear a zoom from my phone and pick it up.

"Hey kook , Tae your best boy speaking."

"What do you want?"

"Oh nothing, just wanted to make sure you didn't forget to come to the bar today!"

"Shit, that was today?"

"Yes, don't tell me you forgot?"


"Mhm, sure... anyway see ya"

*bleep bleep bleep*

"Who was that?"

I hear Jimin say.


At the bar

Jimin POV

After Jungkook told me about that 'Tae' person we put some clothes and left his house.

Right now we are at the bar where we were supposed to meet Taehyung, but I have no idea what he looks like so I asked Kook.

"Did you spot Taehyung already?"

"Nope.. I'm going to beat that bastard up the moment I see him.. He was the one who invited us, how can he be late" he said with a frown on his face, making me shudder .

A few moments later I feel him grab my hand and he yanked me after him.

"Oye Tae , what took you so long?" He asked a bit mad.

"Sorry I saw a Gucci shop on the way and you know that I simply love Gucci"

"Ok ok, but next time tell me if you're going to be late!!! We've been waiting for an hour!!"

This was the moment Taehyung finally realized that I was also here.

He quickly apologized to me for being rude, then he suddenly tensed up seeming like he wanted to ask a question.

"Oye if you want to ask something then just do it"

"Ok, aren't you the one who bumped into us at the cafe...?"

"Yes , what of it?"

He came closer to my ear and whispered .

"Did Jungkook kidnap or torture you... I thought he would kill you."

This time it was me who whispered .

"Nope... we actually went on a date to torture and kill an annoying bitch"

Suddenly Jungkook talked.

"What are you two whispering about?"

He sounded kind of jealous making me giggle.

"Just about our date yesterday ."

This made him smirk and I was smirking with him.

This was just a crappy filler because I haven't updated in awhile

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