14 [end of last chapter smut]

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Im back people! Sorry for not updating.. and honestly, I don't have a good reason for it... Guess I was in writers block ... andyway, onto the chapter.

Still Jimin POV :

After a lot of sickening talking from the mysterious guy, he suddenly got mad at me for not talking back to him. So he put 2 more needles in my upper AND under lip .

"So you like being silent huh? Well because I love you so much, I'll let you be as silent as you want. I'll even make sure that you can't do anything than be silent, doesn't that sound great?"

Well, now I really didn't know what to do. Should I answer in words or just shake my head.. should I say yes or no.. I had a feeling that it doesn't matter anyways so I shook my head yes.

"Okay, well.. time for fun."

After saying that he untied me and left with what seemed like a baby phone.

"Huh, What would he need that for?... oh well"

I tried to open the door but it seemed that you can only open the door from outside, or you need the keys. But daddy as he liked me to call him, had the keys so I had no other option than to stay.

When he came back, he had something in his hand, I couldn't quite make out what it was until he walked past me... it was a-a GUN!?

"Baby~ come sit in the bed will you? Daddy's waiting for ya~"

He said, holding the gun up, so I sat down in the on the bed..

He cuffed my hands and feet to the bed again smirked. He then bend down and touched my hole making me moan. It was then that I realized that he vibrators were still inside there.

Without realizing it, his dick was hanging above my face and his head was above mine.
(Y'know 69ing)

"Why don't you give daddy some pleasure hm?"

Before I could say anything, not that I wanted to, he thrusted his member inside my mouth making me gag.
Then I saw him pick up the remote of the virators and putting them on the maximum height. At the same time he was still thrust in gin my mouth at an animalistic pace.
By now I was again, a moaning mess.

I suddenly saw a movement in the corner of my eye and it seemed like the one on top of me also realized as he was smirking in that direction. I turned my head slightly, only to look right into the eyes of Jungkook.
I felt tears brim in my eyes and let them out.

Jungkook on the other hand looked furious. Not at me, but at the man and needless to say, I felt happy knowing that he got this furious just because I was hurt.

"You see him to don't ya baby boy? Jungkook I mean.
Do you wanna know why I really took you? Well, I'm gonna tell you anyway so listen.
There was a time when we where dating, he really liked to go to the club but I wasn't really that social so I alway stayed at home..."

He sighed, and even for the tiniest bit, I saw a sad look in his eyes.

"One time, I decided to surprise him by coming to the club he was at. What I didn't expect was to see him, and a random bitch on top of him, making out in the corner of the room. I was so hurt at that moment, I slapped him and screamed at him for cheating on me... The bastard. That day I swore that I would get my revenge one day. So I decided that I would make his next boyfriend fall in love with me to make him feel just how much he hurt me."

By now the man was seriously crying, he pulled out his member, the needles and the vibrators, he uncuffed me and sat beside me on the bed.

Suddenly he plopped his head on my lap soaking it with his tears.
I can't believe I feel bad for the guy after al he's done.

But still, I know how much it hurts to get cheated on. I can't believe my cute lil kook would ever cheat, but then again, I don't really know him that well... maybe, just- maybe one day he will do the same to me..

This thought alone made me feel a pang in my heart and now I too started to cry.

"I- I understand how you feel and I get why you did what you did, but that doesn't mean it's ok....
Maybe its hard to believe from a serial killer but I know that you know I'm right."

The man looked up the tears still streaming from the corners of his eyes.
He then sat up again.

"I-I know... it wasn't the best thing to do, but it-it's just so painful to the point I couldn't stand it anymore!"

"I understand and I forgive you for what you did, but you need to promise me to never do it again okay?"


"And we need to let Jungkook in and you both need to apologize to each other.. btw I don't know your name yet"

"Yoongi, Min Yoongi"

Yoongi then gave me the keys to the door and I opened it to a furious looking Jungkook.

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