18 [m]

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Geez... why am I always writing smut on my birthday...oh well...
Btw by the time this chapter is published my birthday will be over already because the WiFi doesn't work for a few days...
Anyways, on with the story!


It was a soft kiss with the tiniest bit of lust in it, and tbh, it was the best one Tae had ever had.

Yoongi pulled away
"I love you okay, not Kook or Chim, I love you"
He said before pulling me in for another more passionate kiss.

After a few minutes of kissing they heard a cough.

They turned their heads and there stood the killer duo, grinning slightly at the blushing faces of Tae and Yoongi.

"I see you didn't need our help at all, huh Yoongi?"

Jimin said with a smirk on his face and sending a wink to the confused Taehyung.

"I guess not huh?"

Said Yoongi trying to look as calm as possible but failing miserably.

Tae just stood there, confused about the whole situation.

"What do you mean hyung?"
He asked looking down at Yoongi.

But instead of Yoongi, jimin decided to answer his question.

"Oh right you don't know huh?
Well you see, Yoongi here came to me begging for my help to get him a date with you"

Yoongi turned red again but kept a straight (not really, he gay af) face.

"But I guess he didn't need the help after all"

After seeing Yoongi turn red a little I smirked
"Oh really, you must love me immensely to go BEGGING for Jimins help"

He turned red again and not gonna lie, it's kinda cute.

I realized Kook hasn't spoken the whole time so I was going to ask why he's so silent when I saw that he was blushing while looking down at Jimins åss pressed against his little one ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).

I walked up to him with a smirk and whispered in his ear "I'll let you have your alone time with jimin" before pulling Yoongi inside the restaurant.

KOOK POV (didn't expect that huh?)

I smirked after Tae said that, making a mental note to steal some Gucci flip flops for him later.

The moment Tae and Yoongi where in the restaurant, I pulled jimin to a hotel.

Apparently it was one of those fancy hotels, where you HAD to reserve because when we stepped in there and asked for a room for 2, they sent us away and when I tried to shoot to guy, there were suddenly 4 buff looking bodyguards holding me down.

Smirking, I looked jimin right in the eye as I said:

"Let's have some fun"

Immediately after I said those words, something seemed to click in my Chim's mind and I saw him drawing a knife from his pocket.

I knew I had a second gun on me but that wouldn't be fun so I swiftly drew my knife from under my shoe and slashed one of the bodyguards' arms open, making him release me so I was free.

Jimin took 2 of them out as did I, so we started carving our marks on their body's.
Mine being a bunny

and Chim's being a slim cat

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and Chim's being a slim cat

When we where done, I pulled him up the stairs and into one of the rooms, shooting the people who were in there

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When we where done, I pulled him up the stairs and into one of the rooms, shooting the people who were in there.

I pushed Jimin against one of the walls and started lustfully kissing him.

After a few seconds I pulled away, making him whine.

I smirked and leaned in so that my mouth was right beside his ear and whispered
"You've been a bad boy, teasing your master like that in front of our friends"

He shuddered at my words as o continued
"Don't you think you need a punishment?"

Then I pulled away looking at him as his eyes get darker by the second.

I picked him op and threw him on the bed then loosened my tie and wrapped it around his hands, binding him to the bed so he won't be able to touch himself.

Afterwards I started to undress him at a painfully slow pace making him whine out

"Impatient are we?"
I said in a husky voice, earning a moan from him

"Answer you slut!"
I know he likes it when I call him that


I said in a psychotic voice, I want him to call me master and beg for me


I cut him of by biting into his neck
"Oh, are you a little masochist, huh? You want me to be your sadist don't ya?"
I said in a low voice making him shiver in anticipation.

"Yes master! Hurt me please!"

He begged, well I can't really deny the fact that it turned me on, I mean I knew he liked chocking but never would I have thought that he would want to be cut.

I pulled his pants all the way off and threw them somewhere in the room (his shirt was already long gone) leaving him in only his boxe- no wait let me correct myself real fast! He wearied panties.

"Aw, such a good boy you are~ wearing panties for me baby?~"

"Nng~ Yes master, only for you"
He said.

I leaned down and licked his manhood trough his panties making him moan
"Nng, ah~ m-more master!"

I klicked my tongue before pulling away.

I started stripping in front of him making sure to be very slow, knowing he's getting impatient.

When I was done with my little show I picked my knife up and got on top of Jimin again.

He looked at it, eyes fully clouded over by his lust.

I smirked before making a small cut on the inside of his thigh.

He hummed seeming to love the feeling so I decided to go a little bit higher and cut his panties open for me to see his boner on full glory.

But this was punishment so I didn't touch it at all.
Instead, I turned him over so he was now on his stomach and his back facing me.

I waited until I heard a soft whine and started drawing my mark on his ass with my knife making beautiful red lines of blood appear.

All the while, jimin was moaning in pleasuring pain.

Well I'm stopping it there!
I know I'm evil! But I feel like otherwise it'd be to long so yeah....
I mean minus this and the author note in the beginning of the chapter, the word count is 1091..
And with these it's 1132...

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