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I think i fel in love,
and I'm very possesive over things that are my property



I wrote my number on a paper and gave it to Jungkook.

"call me around 10 tomorrow. oh yeah and I also need to know where you live so I can pick you up."

I said with a smile on my face.

"Okay, Im so excited.. it's been quite a while since I killed together with someone"

He looked at me and smiled. He had a cute bunny smile.

"same goes for me" I said.

Man I'm in deep for this guy...

(Time skip because)


I just got home when Taehyung send me a message.

Hey kook.
You already kill him.

Nah, I kinda like him
Tomorrow were gonna kill a cheating bitch together.

Wow. Never thought the guy was just as crazy as you

Yeah, I thought the same.
But we where so wrong.
When I followed him around he stopped at apperently his ex's house.
When I got inside I caught him stabbing the guy.

Woah that's pretty fucked up.
Well I hope you enjoy you're 'date' tomorrow ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

It's not a date! And thanks..

Yeah sure.

Aish this guy.
Well it would be nice to call it a da- nononono I'm a murderer I can't love anyone.

(Another time skip because I'm lazy)

I am about to call jimin, it's almost 10 and to be honest I'm really excited.
I wasn't lying when I told jimin that it's been a while since I killed together with someone, it's been 2 years.

I searched for the paper with jimins number on it and called him.
To my surprise he picked up immidiately.

"Hey are you Jungkook"


"Good I'm picking you up immediately. The police found out about yesterday's murder... gotta go see ya"

"Ok bye"

Well now I'm panicking for some reason. I didn't do anything yesterday but for some reason I don't want jimin to get hurt.

My thoughts where under broken be a knock on the door.
I opened and immediately got pulled outside by someone wearing black.

When I got a good look on his face I recognized him as jimin.
He pulled me to a black car and we got in.

As soon as the door shut he rode away of to who knows where.

" where are we going?" I asked

"To a friends house"

"Why can't we just stay in my house?"

"Uh, can we?"

"Sure I don't see why not. And I have a friend who works at the police just for my sake, so he'll make sure no one suspects me."

After I said that he turned the car and headed back to my house.
When we got there, we got inside as soon as possible and locked the door.

"So we won't kill that bitch today?"

"No and I was so excited to!"

He turned to me with a pout on his face. I couldn't stop to coo at how cute he was.

"Yeah, it's a real pain in the ass that we can't go.
Maybe we should go upstairs so no one can hear us."

And so we did.


DAMN IT!! Now I can't see him covered in blood.

Maybe we can still go though but we need to be careful.

"Oye kook. Maybe we can still go. It's even more exciting now the police is searching for me. And even if they found us I doubt they could catch us, I mean there al just scared idiots with weapons and we are professional killers."

"Sounds like a good plan and it's actually a good exercise for me, killing al those cops. I mean they will probably send a lot of them"

Heh, he even thinks of cops as practice material. He's totally my type of guy. I can't wait to see him killing al those annoying cops.

Though I won't let him get al the fun.

"I bet I can kill more cops than you"

"Ha you wish!!"

"There's only one way to find out!"

"So, where are we waiting for?! Come let's go!"

When we got there, there where indeed many cops.

but that just makes it more exciting.

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