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Ok ok... so I'm with Jimin in his living room, planning how I'm going to ask Taehyung out!
I know he likes going to parties and stuff but like... Asking him out at the club doesn't really sound nice.

And asking him on one of those "typical romantic spots" with fireflies and stuff is just to perfect to be real so right now I'm stuck with either asking him to hang out or going to a nice ass restaurant with Kook and Jimini...

I'm probably gonna go with the latter cause that's probably gonna be less awkward...

Time skip

Taehyung+Yoongi private chat
"..." thoughts

Yoongi: Hey Tae

Tae: Hey hyung!! 🤩
What are you texting me for?
You barely ever text me!!

Yoongi: "why does he have to be so adorable?"
Yoongi: I was just gonna ask if you wanted to go to the chique restaurant not far from here?

Tae: Why are you asking ME? You like me or something?😏😏😏

Yoongi: "(//∇//)"
Yoongi: B-because jimin invited me and Kook to come but don't feel like being a third wheel again sooooo-

Tae: Ok Ok I get it... it was just a joke...
Tae: "I wish you would like me tho T-T"
Tae: I'll come!

Yoongi: Tomorrow at 7 o'clock

Tae: kk

Time skip to the restaurant

Taehyung POV :

I'm at the restaurant at the moment, waiting for the others to arrive...

To be honest, I was really happy when hyung invited me, I thought I might have a chance with him...

Until he told me that the only reason he asked me was because he didn't want to be a third wheel.

"I mean of course he wouldn't want to go out with me otherwise!
What was I thinking!? That he would somehow like me back even though we're polar opposites!?

No ones POV:

Without Taehyung knowing it, Yoongi was just around the corner, and he heard all of it!
To say he was happy was an understatement, but he still felt a little pane of guilt when he heard Tae saying that he thinks that Yoongi still has feelings for Kook.

Therefor Yoongi revealed himself in front of Tae .

"O-oh h-hi hyung! How l-long have you b-been standing t-there?"
Said Taehyung.

"Long enough to do this-"

Right after saying this, Yoongi pulled Tae in for a long and passionate kiss.

Tae widened his eyes at the sudden action but afte a while he started kissing back.

I hope you liked this chapter!
To be honest, I'm not that motivated to keep writing this story but I'll do it for you guys because of all the support I get!
Thank you so much 😊
And who knows, maybe I'll come up with new ideas for this story!
So keep reading!

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