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I woke up in an unfamiliar room in another change of clothes.

I saw a clock and realized that it was already morning.

I looked around in the room and was shocked at what I saw.

On the wall at my left there were countless pictures of me walking on the streets, in the bar with Kook and Tae, me watching tv and even while I was killing those cops with Kook.

On the wall to my right I saw guns, knives, even swords, y'know all those kind of things.

It was then that I saw the door, I tried standing up and walking to it but I found out that I was handcuffed to the bed.

Suddenly the door opened and a person not to much taller that me stepped inside.

"I see you're awake already Baby"

This made me cringe, only Jungkook can call me baby

"Who are you and why did you bring me here?!"
I yelled

"Oh me? I'm your daddy and I brought you here because you're going to be mine"

He said with a sickening grin on his face.

"I get it, so you're a creep!"

"Nonono, I'm your daddy remember? Now let's get started"

Jungkook POV

The day before

Why is Chim so late, he was supposed to be here an hour ago

I've called like a thousands of times but he didn't pick up.

I waited 5 minutes and then called Tae that we wouldn't come to the party, then I ran outside searching for Jimin.

Jimin where are you?

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