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Today is the day!
Yoongi is finally going to ask his crush on a date!
I'm squealing at the moment because I think they would be adorable together!

You see Yoongi turned out to be a very shy person and it took him a YEAR to finally talk to other people except me and Kookie...

After a while he started making new friends and one of them is the one and only Jung Hoseok or Jhope as he likes to call himself.

Yoongi met him at a club and they started talking a lot after that. Turns out that they're polar opposites but that also kinda attracted them to each other and it's nice to see that Yoongi started talking again.

Never mind that.....

Because Hoseok isn't his crush though,
That is...

Wait for it!


Yes you heard me right!
His tiny little crush turned out to be Taehyung!
My Kookie's best friend! And I think he also has a thing for Yoongs.

Well on to how Yoongi asks Taehyung out!
We'll see in the next chapter because the author is a lazy ass!

No I'm not!

Sorry Zizuko but you know you are!

Okay maybe a little......

Anyway that was the end of this short ass chapter but I hope you enjoyed it!
And this time I PROMISE that I won't take months to update!

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