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Jungkook POV-


I thought that Jimin was just some annoying guy who tried to be cool by speaking back to me. Seems I was totally wrong.

"Did you do that?"

I cursed at myself for the stupid question. Of course he did it, I mean he's the only one here besides me.
To be very honest I think he looked kinda cute in al that blood.

"Yeah, why you ask?"

He said casually like killing is the most normal thing in the world.

"Just wondering..."

Why am I so awkward.

"Why did you do it? Do you have a reason or do you just enjoy killing people. Is this even your house?"
I asked.

He smirked, there was this awkward silence until he suddenly bursted out laughing. This made me shiver at the sudden action. I gave him a questioning look.

"Why are you laughing?" He made me feel stupid.

"Because of you're sudden outburst of questions. Are you some interviewer or something." Ok now I feel like crawling in a hole. I feel so so stupid.

"Just so you know, I'm not such a crazy person to take a humans life without a reason. This doesn't mean I don't enjoy doing it though."

He said the last sentence with a creepy smirk on his lips.

Jimin POV~

This guy's interesting. He's the first one who isn't scared of me after seeing this side of mine. He probably though I'm just another normal guy and that this was my house because he followed me here. I guess he wasn't joking when he said he'd kill me, though I don't think he still wants to kill me after seeing this.

"So.. What was you're reason for killing him" He said pointing at the guy on the ground.

Though he is pretty curious about me. But I like him so why not answer.

"He cheated on me and so broke my heart"
I stated feeling a bit sad.

It seems like he noticed because he was now standing beside me patting me on the head as he was slightly taller than me.

"That's sad. Did you love him?" He asked. It took me by surprise but it made me think. Did I really love him? . Actually I don't think so because the only thing I was craving for when I started dating him was physical contact from another human.

"I don't know but I'll get back to him. Killing him isn't enough. I'm going to end that bitch he cheated on me with soon... Wanna join?" Honestly, the reason I invited him was that I wanted to know how he looked, covered in my favorite color
Blood red.

"Sure, why not. I mean she probably deserves it." He said to my surprise kinda excited.

I think I fell in love
And I'm very possessive over things that are my property.


Sorry this was such a short chapter

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