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I'm literally typing this midnight and on my shitty phone... 😂😂👏

But that just makes it more exciting.
(get it? Get it?)

Jungkook pov

We're currently hiding behind a bush, it's just as we expected.. There where about 20 cops outside and 11 inside the building.

"Oye, you take the 10 on the left, I take the 10 on the right. Is that fine with you?"

Jimin asked to witch I nodded.

"we'll start the competition inside. Whoever got 6 cops first wins."

"got it"

I picked my knife up and rushed out of the bushes.


One of the cops yells, he was the first one to die.

I ran to him and while he tried to pick up his gun, I stabbed him in his back several times until I was satisfied with my art.

I stood up noticing the 5 guns that where pointed at me.

The people holding them weren't really focused on me.

They where staring in fear, at the man I just killed.

I chuckled

"you seriously think you can kill me with your pathetic selves. HA! YOU'RE ALREADY TREMBLING IN FEAR!"

They didn't move making me smirk.

I picked my gun out of my pocket and before they noticed anything, I already shot them.

The 4 remaining cops tried to run away. But I can't let that happen, so I picked my knife from the ground and quickly stabbed al of them in the back.

Once they where al down I started decorating their ugly bodies.

I drew a bunny on their faces.

"aww~ you look so cute"

I took a picture of my work.

Now let's just wait until Jimin finished.

Time skip~ (to when jimin is done fighting)

I stood before the building.

"oye! I finished"

I saw jimin running towards me.

"And, was it fun?"

He asked

"well I need to admit that I had quite a bit of fun"

He giggled making my heart thump (?) at how cute he is.

"so, shall we go inside?"

I asked feeling a bit awkward.

He just nodded and we went inside.

We both started fighting immediately.
It was actually pretty fun.

Apparently the 11th cop inside escaped so no-one won our bet.

We went upstairs in search for that bitch.

We found her hiding in a closet.

When she saw jimin her face became pale in fear.

We took her out but didn't kill her, and brought her to my car.

[at jungkook's home]

The bitch was now seated in a chair in my basement, we waited for her to wake up.

When she did we stabbed knives in her hands making her scream out in pain.

This was like music in my ears so I stabbed knives in her feet to.

"please scream more for us!"

O God do I love torture!

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