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Sorry for the late update... I'm on vacation and there wasn't any WiFi, so I wasn't able to update...

O god do I love torture~

Jimin POV

I kept staring at the beautiful work Jungkook was doing but of course he can't have al the fun, can he?

So I searched for some needles and when I found them, I stabbed them in her eyes.

She was screaming even louder now.

I felt eyes burning my skin, so I looked at my side and saw Jungkook staring at me.

There was a fire behind his eyes but I don't know if it was desire or anger.

Now I'm curious so I tried...

"O-oye why are yo-"

Before I could finish my sentence, I felt soft lips against mine.

The kiss wasn't soft at all though, it was rough and full of want and desire.

I bit his bottom lip and in return he bit my top lip, it hurt a little but I can't complain... I mean were psychopaths.

Our tongues were dancing as if it was meant to be like this.

After what felt like ours (it probably was just 2 minutes) we pulled apart for air.

Then we realized that the bitch was still there, being the psychopaths we are, we started laughing hysterically.

She couldn't see anymore so she must've heard, Ha serves her right!

She was cringing at what she had just heard, making me smirk.

"Did you like the sound of that?"

I asked with a somehow innocent voice.

"EW!! Of course not! You filthy homo!"

That made me angry, and you don't want me angry.

I kicked her in her stomach and blood came out of her mouth.

After that I pulled a knife out of her hand and she screamed, then I started slowly cutting of bits of her face until you couldn't recognize her anymore.

The bitch kept screaming for help

"Okay, now it's getting boring so I'm gonna finish you of now okay?"
I said in a low voice.

Then she started begging for her life.


"Nah, I have everything I want... btw even if I wanted something, you couldn't give that. So... any last words before you die?"


"Aw thanks"

Was the last thing I said before slicing her neck with the knife.

When I looked at my side, Jungkook was staring at me with eyes full of lust.

"Damn, I think I'm in love"


Soooo~ do you Guys want smut 😏or should I skipp that part...

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