preview: abort, bitch abort

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A/N: Since I am such an trash writer that leave my hopeful readers hanging, I wanted to give you a preview of what's to come for the story as an apology. Forgive a peasant such as myself. Hope you enjoy! (Well, for the ones that actually still read this book, ha!)


After I finally picked up my papers from falling to run out the classroom as fast as I could,  I ran to the door. Well more like speed walk, so it wouldn't seem noticeable. There was one other student besides me, and they were already heading towards the exit.

I heard shuffling behind me as I was at the exit. I reached for the door handle and attempted to turn the knob.  But as soon as the door was opened by a creak, it was closed by a large, rough hand.


"Not so fast.", he caged me with both hands on the door. My back stayed to his front,  and I didn't dare to turn around. I was so shook,  my body froze and my words that bounced of the walls of my mouth failed to escape. He locked the door.

I wished I took track.

As if by knowing I could stay like this the whole day, he slowly started to placed kisses along the back of my neck. "Princess," his voice rasped. "Turn around and face me."

My body shivered.

Blowing a breath, I slowly turned around in his arms. His eyes solemnly looked over my face for any emotion, yet they darted towards my bottom lip
when I bit it.

"Can we talk?", he licked his lips as his eyes never left my lips. With hesitance, I stuttered, "I... I don't think that we sho-" His hands absently minded started to caress my hips. Damn, that was my spot. "Umm okay."

His breath taking smile broke free once again. I've learned he always loved when he got his way. He took my hand and pulled us over to his desk. He sat on the edge and pulled me in between his legs, holding and rubbing circles on my hand with his thumb.

"You're avoiding me." No wonder he was a professor. Sarcasm: on. "Whaaaat?", I nervously laughed and waved my hand dismissively. "Have I?"

He quirked up a eyebrow. "Yes, and did you really think I didn't see you jumping behind that bush the other day? Hell, you even came to class with leaves in you hair stating that it was an aesthetic when I asked." He chuckled but then put his serious face back on. "The one thing I ask you not to do and there you go doing exactly that."

"Look, I thought it was wise. If I avoid you then eventually we could forget that night since it was a one time thing, and we were drunk out of our minds. It wasn't supposed to happen. I didn't want to complicate things." I looked off at any direction but his.

"What if I didn't want to forget? What if I wanted it to happen? I may have been drunk,  but as the saying goes a drunk man actions expresses his true intentions. At that moment and now, I knew what I wanted. I wanted you. I still want you. To me, it seems like you're the one complicating things." He sighed.

"So many things are happening right now and I just don't know what to do. We need to just forget this and move on."

I couldn't help, but to look at his muscles bulging from his denim shirt. He caught my glance and smirked. "You know for someone who wants to forget, you sure like to look at what you'll miss. You could have it anytime you want, that is if you stop running away from me." He twirled and played with one of my curls.

I rolled my eyes. Egotistic prick.

"You know what, maybe I should go. I have things to do." I pulled myself from within his legs and attempted to walk off.

Keyword: attempted.

He stopped me in my steps by reaching for my hand and pulled me into his space. Next thing I knew, our faces were inches apart.

"Where are you going baby?", his husky voice caressed my ears as his arms wrapped around my waist, with him kissing my neck.

"Away from you that's for damn sure." I protest breathlessly as I try to remove myself from his embrace.

"Is that so, Miss Haynes?", that evil smirk of his sprouted onto that devilishly handsome, stupid face as he started to caress my "spot" once again.

Cmon, girl don't give in.

He pulled apart from me and looked straight into my soul with those piercing hazel eyes. His tongue glided over those plump, pink lips that I was a sucker for.

I gave in.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2021 ⏰

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