let's get this day over with

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After Ms. Haynes and a few others arrived shortly after, I pushed the door closed and cried on the inside. If only I didn't have to make a living and didn't love art, I would be somewhere hugging a nice bottle of bourbon.

I started, "Well, I didn't plan mu-" I stopped when I noticed no one was listening because they were chatting it up. I cleared my throat and sternly repeated myself again. "Well, I am not going to repeat myself again, so everyone listen up." I don't know if it was my tone of voice or the glare in my eyes that got the attention of my students, but everyone was all ears now.

I packed back and forth. "Now I really don't have it in me to be here at all today and I'm sure you all don't either. So, I decided to keep it simple today. You will recreate an old, historical famous painting with your own sense of style and technique. You will be given two weeks. Hopefully that'll be enough to finish because this will be a test grade."

My loving audience expressed some 'ughs' and a few were excited about it.

A student by the name of Julia raised her hand. "Do we get to choose which painting we want to do?"

I placed my hand on my heart. "Yes since I'm such a kind professor."


"I'll choose to ignore that." I clasped my hands together, "Why don't you guys get started and today will be the day you are given time to research or discover your ideas." I came around my desk and plopped myself in my chair. All day, flashes of the accident haunted my mind. My hair must if been sprawled in all directions due the amount of time I ran my hands through it. When Ms. Haynes came in, I looked at those hazel eyes and gotten riled up again. They reminded me so much of my mom's eyes.

I shook my head to return to reality, and then I started to grade papers from my other classes Before I knew it, the class was over.

Everyone left except for the fact that Ms. Haynes was still here.



I just seemed to be in between two mindsets as I was thinking of my parents and the professor words at the same time. I wondered who or what I was to do for this grade as I tapped my pencil against my table. Well, I love the Renaissance era of art. Maybe I can recreate the Mona Lisa...or maybe the Portrait d'une négresse. I thought long and hard until my mind came back to a certain someone's tattoo. I had decided that I was going to do the Birth of Venus, but it was going to be with my own taste.

I remember when Mom used take me to the local museum in our hometown. She valued art as much I did. We would enjoy and analyze the paintings on the walls in every exhibit all day so much to where Daddy would think we gotten kidnapped while he was at home. They both loved my paintings even the ones that displayed a big blob of paint. Daddy would state that I was the next Picasso. I laughed on the inside. It just sucks that I couldn't do any of that now. Once I got done with this painting, I would've loved to shown them. But there not here...never mind that. I just need to focus on class.

But as soon I did, it was over. I needed to discussed this grade on the pop quiz because I knew I could've done better.

"See you next time class and start on your paintings. Either way if you do it or not, it won't effect me." Professor said with a simple wave of dismissal without even looking up from the desk. I gotten my things gathered to see I was the last one due to my daydreaming. I slowly walked up to his desk, feeling the radiating authority come from him. He ran his hands through his hair with great stress then looked up at me when he noticed my presence. "What can I do for you Ms. Haynes?" He said but not with a bit of care in his tone.

"Um...I wanted to talk to you about my grade. You see I know I can do better, and I want to achieve great success in this class. I was wondering if you had any extra credit opportunities or something like that."

He crossed his arms across his torso and quirked his eyebrows." Is that so?" He paused, "I don't think there is at the moment, but I'll get back to you when I do. You should be glad; you had the highest score in the class."

I smiled and did a happy dance in my head, but then looked closely at the sleepy bags that appeared beneath the professor's eyes. Stress was written across his forehead. I couldn't help but to ask, "Professor Lockhart, are you okay?"

"Yes, why wouldn't I be?"

"Well no offense, but you are looking rather exhausted. Are you sure you're okay?"

I could see he was getting irritated and rolled his his eyes. "If one more person asked that, I'm going to explode." I overheard him say under his breath. I don't think I was meant to hear it. "Look, I'm fucking dandy if that's any of your business." It was like he was out of it and more angrier than he usually was.

I was taken aback for a second. Who the hell do he think he's talking to? I straighten up and walked to the door. "Why are you such a angry man?" I said lowly, not with any intent on him hearing. Then I spoke to where he would hear me. "You know, you really need to get your act together. If only I didn't know Jesus..." I whispered the last part as stepped out the classroom.

What an unprofessional bastard.


........Third person-later on that day.

It was funny actually. Those two shared the same pain, but displayed it in different ways. Professor with his temper and drinking any bottle he could find or reach, while Adonis held it on the inside, showcasing that bright smile to the people she saw daily.

After she stormed off, she ended up at the cafe, saying hi to her new friend Zach, having a chat while they ate on his break, and her anticipating going to her parents grave during all of it. She left Zach and drove to the Glenwood cemetery. As soon as she stepped out her car, she felt the presence of death creep up upon her. At last, she made it to the stones that had the names Derek Haynes and Venus Haynes engraved deeply. She cleaned up her parents' graves and placed new roses where then old ones once were. Adonis sat down crossed her legs and prayed a soft prayer. She tried to hold it in, but eventually the tears started to drop. She mourned her parents and craved for them to reach out and embrace her once more, just as they did when she was a little girl. But she knew she was going to be okay and smiled. She talked to them so more and knew they were proud of her. She could even hear her daddy say 'there's no need to cry anymore.' And she didn't. For the rest of the evening, she talked to her parents and then said see you later. She knew they loved her very deeply.

Xavier left the campus to get a drink. He was so angry and tired. He went to another bar because he already knew Tony wasn't going to give him drinks on this day, even if it meant messing with his pay. He drunk until he was tipsy, but he was still able to drive. He drove to the cemetery where his mom was. When he reached her stone, he dropped to the ground and drunk another sip of the bottle that was still in his hand. He stayed quiet for a long time, just staring at her. He said, "I miss you mom. I'm sorry I couldn't have stopped him." He took another swig. "I love you."

He doesn't quite remember how he got home, but he knew he was in for hell with this upcoming hangover. The hurt was getting worst by the year. Maybe he did need help. He wished for something or someone who could understand him and not think that he was just an angry drunk. He was still that little boy that lost his mom many years ago

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