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I looked over at the clock and grimaced. How did it get so late? I realized I had spent all night painting. After Bea bugged me, I just couldn't get over the hurtful words she said. A person can never replace a mother's love. And my mom was the best.

I went to my art studio in my pad to get my mind off of things. I knew I wasn't going to sleep the night before April the 18th because I never do. It's a day that often haunts me, and I just can never let go. So I started to paint. Something I shared with my mother. Everytime she had too much to take, she would slap her emotions or whatever that was on her mind on a canvas.

And so I did.

What was on my mind? That red hair. That kind smile that used to comfort me and lift the spirits of multiple people. And most of all, those hazel eyes stared right at me. The ones that used to reassure everything was okay...even when it wasn't.

You want to know why the sixteenth of April sucks ass? That was the day my mom died. All because of that fucking bastard.

Deciding that it was late, I cleaned up the mess I made and placed the painting with the others. Wiping my hands with a rag, I stood up and cleaned my brushes. I heard a knock at my door. It was only one other person than myself, so I knew it was Bea. She came in with a guilty pout on her face, and I knew that I would probably soon accept her with open arms. Hate to admit, but I always been weak with her.

"Baby," Bea cooed as she made her way to me. She wrapped her arms around me and gave me a peck on the lips. "I so sorry for the things I said last night. I know how you are about your mother, I wouldn't want to disrespect you or her like that," She then started to place small kisses along my neck. "Can you forgive me?"

I sighed. "Look Bea, I'm just not-"

She interrupted. "C'mon baby. I know today is going to be hard for you and wouldn't you want me to comfort you?"

I rolled my eyes at the double meaning of her words. "Bea, I'm more than a penis and sex isn't the answer to everything."

She scoffed. "Of course you are more. I love you Xavier. Don't downplay me like that." She looked utterly offended.

I huffed and ran a hand through my hair. "I'm sorry Bea."

There was a pregnant pause that scattered across the room until she broke it. "It's okay, I forgive you," She ran her hands slowly along my chest and torso that had splotches of paint on them. "You know what? How about we clean you up." Her tone changed instantly to seductiveness as she stared at me through those devious, green eyes. She bit her lip and grabbed my hand as she lead us to the shower. I couldn't possibly protest; she wouldn't have let me.

 I think you all can guess what happened next.


"Try your hardest to have a good day today, babe." Bea held my head in her hands and kissed my forehead and smiled. Even though there was a major height difference. "You can do this." She expressed as her green orbs stared through me. She fastened my tie and straighten my suit. "Don't give your students hell and definitely don't drink today. Once you start, you don't stop."

I wave my hand in dismissal. "I know. I know. And I promise I won't be to hard on those damn university students today." I rolled my eyes. I didn't even want to go to work today and if Louis irritates me today, so help me god. "About taking one drink today, I can't surely promise that."

Bea was placing her stuff in her purse that sat on the kitchen counter and bended to put on a heel on her foot. "You better. I want you to be safe," she pointed," and not do something you would regret."

"Yada yada yada," I walked over to her and wrapped myself around her waist, nibbling her 'spot'. "You don't have to worry about me if you're going to take care of me tonight."

I felt her breathe out. "No can do, hon. I have work to late tonight."

I quirked an eyebrow. "How come?"

"Umm...I just have been having loads of work piled on me lately."

"Well that sucks, but okay," I loosen my grip around her and checked my watch. 6:30am. Since it was getting late, I walked towards the door. "See you later babe."

She smiled and waved, "See you later."

I hopped into my car and sped to the University with the exception of the usual morning traffic.

I had gotten my morning coffee and stepped out my car awaiting to see if their was going to be any drama today. When it looked like it wasn't, I locked my door and headed to my class in the UH Art Center.

I didn't want to be here and no one have better not fuck with this professor today. If I didn't get that morning sex, I possibly would've been more cranky than I am now. Anyways, I reached my class and sat everything on the desk while plotting myself in my chair.

I sighed. I'll definitely need a drink before the day is over.

I had spent the last remaining time before getting my lesson ready and grading the terms from last time. May I say, they didn't do too good. Ms. Haynes was the only one who made a decent grade. Despicable.

7:58am the clock read as I walked to my door and stood outside ready to get this class over with. Hell, all my classes over with.

Students came as I passed out the graded quizzes one by one then as a result seeing unhappy and confused expressions. My favorite expressions. Louis and his friend recieved theirs and just shrugged as they exchanged looks.

I had one last paper left that belonged to the one who's always late.

Okay, she was only late three or so times, but in college that's like weeks and to me that's being irresponsible.

It was still early when I saw her coming around the corner. Huh? She's actually here...maybe if I mess with her , I'll feel better.

"Look who's here. I see you finally made it early to my class, Ms. Haynes." I smirked with sarcasm.

But she did the opposite of retaliating.

She smiled.

"Yes, yes I did." She headed to her seat, but not without some final words. "Aren't you proud?" As she sashayed.

Well, that didn't work.

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