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"Yes I did. Why?", I asked Bell with a skeptical look.

"Only because he hates freshmen. He chews freshmen like you up for breakfast." Bell said with a exhausted look as she went to her desk and started to take her makeup off with a wet makeup remover cloth.

"My dear friend," I shook my head. "Don't you think you're exaggerating a tad bit?" My fingers was pinched into a small amount, so she can get the point. "Are you you sure you didn't hear that usual around the campus talk?"

"No, I actually witnessed the wrath of the Lockhart." She stopped wiping for a moment and looked over in my direction. "This dude has issues."

"Hmm. Let's just say I believe everything you're about to tell me about him. What would you tell me?" I laid back in my bed, resting with my arms folded beneath me.

"Well, his personality sucks. He's so...what's the word? Stiff. Yes, that's it. He's so stiff and plain." She huffed. "He talks like this." She imitated a monotone voice that was similar to Squidward. Like c'mon man, how can I learn with a voice that makes me want to fall asleep."

"You don't say." I said in an uninterested voice and played with an loose curl that fell in front of my eyes. "What else?"

"He's mean. Got a smart mouth on him." She scoffed. "One time, he made this girl cry. I mean it was funny, but the poor girl ran out of class."

"I would rather not know the back story. You'll probably exaggerate it to the fullest." I rolled my eyes, sitting back up to get the full extent of the conversation.

She glared at me. "Hell, I'm just trying to help you out and inform you." She turned fully around to the mirror on the desk. "Some folks just don't appreciate information."

"Okay, okay. Please finish, All-knowing one." I waved my hand to encourage her to continue. "I really want to know what you have to say."

"Well, since you begged, I personally think he has a big head because he's so-called a smart alec. He can teach different subjects, so I had to see him multiple times." She positioned herself to me completely, disposing of the makeup wipes in the little trashcan beside her. "Let's not even talk about the tardies. I almost was on the verge of being dropped from the class, but I turned over a new leaf and adjusted my time."

"Let me ask you a question," I held out a finger. "What did he do?" Bell threw me an bemused look that I could tell said "Huh, didn't I just tell you?". "I mean, what did he do to you? For you to talk about him with so much dislike, he had to do something to you personally. "

"Well, I have to admit I guess I have been rambling off of my personal view of him. Okay, it was freshman year..."

Bell looked into the distance without letting another word release from her mouth.

"What are you looking at?"

"My flashback. Don't you see it too?" She quirked an eyebrow. I guess she was trying to reenact an flashback from the tv shows.

" know what. Just continue." I reach over on my bed to get a snack bar.

"It was freshmen year. The sun was shiny and the birds were chirpin-"

"Get to the point." I urged.

"Okay. I had an important project over any topic of our choosing that was fifty percent of my grade. The topic I chose was Crazy Actions of White People. He gave me a D. He said something about my sources being inaccurate."

"What were your sources?"

"Any scary movie that involves a white person opening forbidden doors and videos off of the show Ridiculousness. "

I rolled my eyes. Something I have done many times while listening to the words that come out of Bell's mouth.

"I have to admit I was a little immature back then, but the point is that whole year he literally found a error on every work any freshmen in his class did. And plus he's a meanie wiener. Guarantee those are not just my words. You could literally ask anyone on campus." She stood up from the desk chair and spreaded her arms out wide, pacing back and forth. "Then another thing. If you are late to his class, he makes you stand in front of the class and explain the reason why you are late. One time I had a one night stand and let's say things didn't go well. So when he told me to explain, being the honest girl I am, I told the class how  the man's penis had gotten stuck in his zipper, and I had to help. He dismissed the rest of my excuse and told me to just sit down in an exhausted tone."

"You seem to have many outrageous sex stories." , I inquired. Shaking my head, I asked, "Was the dick good atleast?"

"Totally." Bell sat with a satisfied look on her face. "But let's not get off of topic. The whole point of this conversation is to warn you. Do not,I repeat do not get on his bad side. Especially being late to his class. That would definitely tick off the old man." Bell pointed a stern finger in my face.

"Advice taken." I noted, nodding my head in understanding. 

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