Welcome to Team Rainbow

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Flashback Six Years Ago:

I peek around the corner and snipe off a terrorist as I spot the hostage. I signal Mike, Kai, and James over. Mark and Seamus follow behind. I scan the hallway and hostage room for any electronic traps, but James walks in anyway gun drawn.

"James! Get back over here! I haven't finished scanning the room," I shout at him.

"Relax Cole. I'm not dead aren't I?"

"Still, running recklessly will lead to a swift end."

"Whatever you say."

James gives the all clear and everyone enters the room. James grabs the hostage and makes a beeline for the exit. An alarm goes off and the rest of us follow him. Shooting terrorists one by one, we reach a barricade that could be opened by a computer.

"I've got the switch," Kai said.

'Something feels off about this.' I think.

Kai walks in to the computer room and just as he presses the screen, iron bars cover every entrance to the room. He was trapped.

"Go on without me! I'll find my way out!"

"We aren't leaving you!" I said back to him.

"Listen to me, sacrificing one life to save more lives is worth the risk. I risked my life for all of you. I don't regret this."

"You can't be doing this. Think of how Olivia will react to this."

"I pass the torch to you brother. I want you to be my living legacy for where I faltered. Goodbye... brother."

We hear multiple explosions as Kai finished speaking.

"Shit, this place is about to blow! We've got to go now!" James shouted.

Mike grabs my hand and pulls me and Mark out with Seamus and James close behind. As we escape, there was one final explosion at the entrance. At that moment, I knew he met his fate.

End of Flashback: Present Day

I keep waking up to that same dream everyday for the past week. It was an event I've tried to forget, but I can't.

"Damn, why does this haunt me?" I ask myself. "I try to forget, but it only sticks with me."

As I walk out from my room, I hear a knock on the door. I was expecting my sister to return home for the summer so I opened the door. To my surprise, James was at the door.

"James?" I ask him.

"It's good to see you again mate. It's been three years," He replied.

"What brings you here?"

"I've been sent by Six to look for you."

"Why would Six want any business with me?"

"She wants to recruit you for Team Rainbow," he says as he hands me the recruitment form.

I look at the form. It was always me and my brothers dream to join Team Rainbow. After Seamus, Mike, James and Mark were recruited, I thought they weren't going to recruit another SAS member.

"I can't," I say hesitantly.

"Why not? I know how much you wanted to join Team Rainbow."

"Would anyone besides you guys accept me there?"

"Six knows you have what it takes. We are all one big family. You will be accepted immediately when you take one step into the facility. Kai would want you to do this."

I paused for a moment. He was right. I wanted to do this for Kai.

"For Kai," I said quietly.

"For Kai," James repeated.

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