Operation Homecoming

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Everyone was speechless after hearing the news.

"The base was taken over? I can't believe that," Ember said.

"I'm afraid that it is true. Doc was the only one who managed to escape," Jager said from the cockpit.

"How could this have happened? The White Masks had to face Team Rainbow," I said.

"There were many of them that came in by surprise. One happened to wear a red mask," Doc said.

"The man with the blood mask," I said quietly.

"You have some grudge against this guy?" Outback asked me.

"He is out for me and Thatcher. He wants to eliminate the both of us."

"I see. We should be able to take back the base. It shouldn't be that hard."

"Is Ember going to be all right?" Montagne asked Doc.

"Yeah, the bullet didn't really penetrate his skin."

"Alright everyone, we're over the base. I'm going to land and the seven of us will take back this base," Jäger said grabbing his carbine.

"Let's save our team," Smoke said.

Everyone jumped out of the chopper and approached the front door.

"So every operator is being held hostage?" I asked Doc.

"Supposedly. I don't remember who is out on assignments if any at all," he replied.

"Let's hope these White Masks are as clueless as the last lot," Outback said.

With the White Masks possibly being anywhere in the building, we had to be cautious. I scouted the main entrance with my drone and found Jackal, Bandit, Echo and Maestro were tied up in the room.

"Watch where you fire everyone," I warned.

Montagne breaks through the door, taking all of the gunfire while Outback and Ember followed closely. Me and Smoke stood next to the door and looked for an opening. Ember landed headshot after headshot. After the terrorists were down, I walked over to Echo and started to untie him. The others went to untie Jackal, Bandit and Maestro.

"Thanks for the save. We didn't think anyone was left," Echo said to me.

"It was a good thing that we were sent on a mission. Who could've possibly predicted this?" I replied.

"Seems this lot doesn't have a clue on how to hold hostages. Even their boss is here," Maestro said.

"Looks like we should split up. With these four freed, we can speed up this process," I said.

"I'll go with you," Smoke said to me.

"Count me in," Echo added.

"Me too," Ember added.

"I'll go alone. I must find Six," Outback said.

"Me, Montagne and Maestro will be one group," Doc said.

"That just leaves me and Bandit to be a group," Jackal said.

"Alright, stay in contact when you rescue an operator," I replied.

Suddenly, we hear a trap go off. I couldn't recognize the sound, but Smoke perked up.

"That was one of Frost's welcome mats," he said.

Smoke grabbed my arm and ran towards the sound of the trap. Echo and Ember followed close behind. We arrived at a barricaded door and I heard a voice shouting at someone. It sounded masculine. I brought my drone over and slid it under the door. I spotted two figures in plain sight.

"So what's your plan now sweetheart? You have nowhere to run," he said.

I recognized one to be Frost. She looked at my drone for a quick second and then looked back at the other figure.

"I wouldn't underestimate the operators of Rainbow. We can be unpredictable," she said.

"Well, I hope you didn't have any last words because you are finished."

I nudged Smoke and told him to aim his M590A1 at a precise angle.

"Now," I said to him hesitantly.

Smoke fired his shotgun through the door and we heard a cry coming from inside. Smoke crashes through the barricade and we confirmed that we did kill the terrorist. Vigil and Thermite appeared from behind a desk.

"Are you two ok?" Ember asked.

"Never better since all of you arrived. Though these White Masks are now in for one hell of a fight," Thermite said walking out the door.

Smoke approached Frost and wrapped her into an embrace. He removed his mask, revealing his ragged face, pushed down her face mask and leaned in for a passionate kiss. He then looked into her eyes.

"Do you remember what I said to ya at the celebration a couple days ago?" He asked her seriously.

"You said that you would be there when the odds are against me," she replied.

"I meant that with all of my heart. I love you and nothing will change that. Though I'm not sure if you love an imprudent, foolish bastard like me, but I had to tell you how I felt."

All she responded with was another kiss. Smoke was surprised at first, but returned the kiss with passion.

"That night, I saw the more serious and caring side of you. It made me want to have your back as well in desperate times. It also made me fall in love with you."

Echo tapped me on the shoulder.

"Yes Echo?"

"I just learned that Hibana, Thatcher, Mute and Sledge are trapped in the workshop."

My heart sank after hearing that. I wasn't wanting to lose any of them here. I dashed out the door and made a run for the workshop. On my way, I saw Outback carrying Six.

"Just following orders ma'am," he said to her.

I also received a call from the others saying that most of the others were free. I still kept my eye on my current goal. I arrived at the workshop as Smoke caught up with me.

"Did ya really think you could just rush off and save our team without me?" He said to me.

"Sorry, I really have a one track mind when it comes to saving people," I replied.

I pulled out a frag grenade, but I was hesitant to roll it under the door. I didn't know where our team was in the room. I switched on my drone and scanned around the area. I finally tossed a frag grenade and heard a small explosion.

"What the hell was that!?" Thatcher shouted through the door.

I broke through the door and saw everyone safe and sound. Smoke tossed a gas grenade behind us.

"Glad to see that you two are still alive," Thatcher said.

"Good thing you two arrived at the right time. Is Doc nearby by any chance?" Mute asked.

"He isn't in the general area. Why do ya ask?" I replied.

"Hibana was shot."

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