Operation Blood Mask (2/2)- Star and Savior

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I bashed through the barricade with my gun drawn.

"Good to see you, Cole," the man with the blood mask said.

I turn around to see the man with the blood mask. I aim for his head but before I could, he stopped me.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," he said pulling out a pistol and aiming it for someone. "If you shoot, she dies."

I look over towards the direction of his gun and saw Hibana lying on the ground, unconscious. I lower my AR33.

"What do you want?" I said to him.

"Isn't it simple? I wish to infect the whole world with the Chimera Virus and create an ideal world for the White Masks. I also wish to get my revenge against you and your father."

"How many lives do you have to take to satisfy yourself before you get your revenge? Do you not feel any remorse for this?"

"I am who I am. The pain and sorrow of others doesn't affect me nor do the feelings of guilt and remorse. I am the essence of darkness! All of you on Team Rainbow have sealed your fate!"

"You are not human!"

"I abandoned my heart long ago. I don't feel pain or sorrow like you do. Now come, we shall settle the score."

The man with the blood mask departs from the window. I kneel towards Hibana before departing.

"If you can hear me, I wanted to say that I should've gone with you instead of Mute. Things would've been different and you wouldn't be here bleeding on the ground. However, I'll make things right and punish this bastard," I said before standing up.

I felt a tug on my arm before I walked away.

"Don't go! I want you to return home with us in one piece. Don't throw your life away!" Hibana pleaded to me.

"I know, but I have to do this. I must get vengeance for my family and for the hell this man has put me through. I promise that I will return alive."

"You promise?" She said extending her pinky finger.

"I promise," I replied accepting the pinky promise.

I jumped out the window, looking for the man with the blood mask. I didn't see him on the balcony, so I rappelled up onto the roof. There, I saw him standing on the main roof.

"Is the once helpless boy who had everything taken from him ready to claim his revenge?" The man with the blood mask said drawing his C75. "Don't let me down now."

I draw my father's P226 MK 25.

"Let the games... begin."

"It ends here!"

His pistol was fully automatic unlike mine, so I have to be careful. With his superior speed, all I could do is strafe and fire hoping that I can land enough bullets. I only have one hundred and sixty six bullets, so I have to make each shot count. The man with the blood mask starts to fire bullets in my direction. I managed to dodge every bullet but as I countered while he was vulnerable, he jumped out of the way. I reload and waited for another opening.

I jumped from building to building as I dodged most of his fire. He managed to land a few bullets into me, but I pushed through the pain. I fired magazine after magazine and only four bullets managed to make contact. I was starting to wonder if I was going to fulfill my promise. Meanwhile, the man with the blood mask shot me in the shoulder blade. Feeling the pain from three different shots in that area, I kneeled down.

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