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As we drive for Hereford, Smoke looks back at me and asks me for a codename.

"What are you talking about?" I ask him.

"Every op in Team Rainbow has a codename that is used in missions. Mine is Smoke, Mike is Thatcher, Seamus is Sledge and Mark is Mute. I was wonderin' if you had an idea?" he replied.

I thought about what I can offer for Team Rainbow for utility. I had my eyenox that could scan for and take control of enemy electronics.

"How about Renegade?"

"That sounds perfect. I'll tell the others when we get there. We should arrive in about ten minutes."

We arrived at a set of buildings in which one looked old on the outside. I was astonished by the amount of firing ranges there were.

"Surprised right? Let me give ya the tour of the place."

Smoke leads me to the oldest looking building on the property that looked like a poorly fortified base. There were many windows that could be barricaded and a few soft spots that someone could breach.

"This spot is Hereford Base. We have our training sessions against the other operators to test what we know and various tactics we come up with. We use airsoft guns as practice tools against the enemy, but we know to take safety precautions before doing so. The sessions can turn crazy sometimes, but it is very fun."

"Has anyone died during a training session?" I ask curiously.

"None that I know. Though those recruits don't know how to handle them. The poor bastards for having no military experience despite coming from various CTU's."

He takes me into the main building and shows me a lounge. It was gigantic with many computers and televisions that filled the room. There were also a few couches.

"This is the lounge. Most operators come here to relax on their break time, want to do some research or tinker with some kind of gadget. Though they really should do that somewhere else," he whispered the last part to me.

Smoke showed me the cafeteria, exercise room and various offices. We spotted Six as we were heading to the residential area.

"Hello Six. I brought him with me like you asked," Smoke said.

"Good to see that you agreed to join Team Rainbow Cole. Thatcher speaks highly of you."

"He does?" I ask her.

"Yes he does. He was happy to hear that you were joining us."

"The pleasure is mine ma'am."

She walked away in a busy manner as Smoke and I walked to the residential area. The area had many symbols in which most I don't recognize.

"And finally, this is where all the ops live. The place is divided by each CTU and each one shares a living quarters."

"I see."

"The guys should be in there right now. You think we should surprise them?"

"Let's do it."

"I like your way of thinking. Let's go."

Smoke opens the door and we walk into the large living room with Sledge watching the television, Thatcher sharpening his knife and Mute reading a book.

"Guys! Look who I brought with me!" Smoke announces.

Everyone looks up, drops whatever they were doing and ran over for a massive bear hug. I was sandwiched in between Thatcher and Smoke and it was hard to breathe.

"Guys, I can use a little breathing room."

"Right, my apologies," Thatcher said.

"Sorry, I just couldn't resist," Mute said.

"We were just excited to see you after so long," Sledge added.

"It's seems the SAS team is finally united again," Smoke added.

"When I learned that you four were going to leave the SAS, I thought it would be a dream to see all of you again."

"Well, I can say for all of us that we are glad you were recruited," Mute said.

"You must be exhausted after traveling all the way here right?" Sledge asked.

"A little," I replied.

"It's almost ten o'clock. We should be getting some shuteye before training tomorrow," Thatcher said.

"Whatever you say," everyone said together.

Thatcher led me to one of the bedrooms. It was surprisingly bigger than my room at my own house.

"This is where you will be staying. Breakfast starts at eight and ends usually around ten. I'd recommend being there early so you actually get to choose what you eat," he said with a chuckle.

"Thanks again Thatcher."

"Its no problem. Maybe this will be like old times eh?"


As I finish, Thatcher leaves me alone to head to sleep after that long car ride. I drift off to sleep immediately once my head hit the bed.

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