Operation Para Bellum (1/2)- Starting Off With a Bang

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I grabbed my AR33 and made a run for the chopper. Many of the operators were making their daily rounds as I dodged everyone one of them as if I was in a hurry. Unfortunately, I was in a hurry. I spot Jäger out of the corner of my eye as I round the corner towards the hangar.

"There you are. Glad to see that you made it."

"Am I late?" I ask.

"Not at all. I was just checking to see if everything was in order before we take off. I'd say you are right on time. The others are already piled up in there," Jäger said as he pointed towards the chopper.

"Alright, thanks Jäger," I said as I stepped in.

I sat down near a corner next to some rappel harnesses. I was about to fall asleep when a man in a hazmat suit approached me.

"So you must be Renegade."

"Indeed I am and you are?"

"I'm Lion. I'm a part of the CBRN Unit for the GIGN," he replied.


"Chemical, Biological, Radioactive, Nuclear Threat Unit."

"I see. Glad to be working with you." I shook his hand.

Lion sat down across from me.

"I suppose you want to know what the mission is about?"

"Yeah, I do. What intel do you know?" I ask.

"There is an abandoned villa in Italy that contains a biohazard substance. The White Masks wish to obtain this substance for some unknown purpose; however when it comes to dangerous substances, they may have something really catastrophic planned. Our job is to infiltrate the villa and secure the container."

"Consider it done."

"That's good to hear."

After a few more hours, we arrived in Italy. Jäger gave us the command to suit up and rappel down to the ground. I was the first to lean outside the chopper and rappel to the ground. Lion, Thermite and Ember followed immediately with Thatcher rappelling much faster beating Ember and Lion to the ground.

"I may be old, but I won't let that get in my way," he said with a smile.

"Good to see that you haven't changed a bit," I replied.

Lion pulls out a map of the villa. He lays it down on the ground and instructs everyone to gather around.

"Here is the plan of action. With little intel on the exact location of the container, we have to choose one room that would most likely contain it. I believe that they are holding it in the basement. We split up into two groups. Thatcher and Thermite will form one while me, Ember and Renegade form another. You are all going to need these bands so my drone doesn't give away your location to the enemies," Lion said.

"Alright," everyone replied.

"This will be a walk in the park. These White Masks won't know what hit them," Thermite said before taking off with Thatcher.

Me, Ember and Lion approach the front entrance. Lion enters a script of code on his wrist.

"Getting us more intel," he said.

Out of nowhere, the ground starts to shake. Lion's drone picked up many outlines of our enemies as me and Ember stand there astonished.

"There are about twenty total enemies," Lion said.

"Thanks Lion, we are breaking through the ruins," Thermite responded.

"Stay close to me you two. We are going to breach the front door. Ready your fire once the barricade is removed."

"Sounds like a plan. Leave the breaching to me," Ember said.

Ember walks forward and activates his fire barrel. He fires one bullet at the barricaded door and burns it to a crisp. The three of us open fire on the terrorists as they turn around. Lion counted two dead bodies.

"I wouldn't call that a welcoming party," I joke.

"My drone scanned only two here.. That's why I chose to breach here. It would provide us with a smooth entry with next to no resistance."

"There will be more eventually. We just need to focus on getting to the basement," Ember said as he reloaded.

Lion pulled out his map and stared at it for a moment. He first looked confused and then frustrated.

"Damn! The file didn't contain a map of the basement. I spent the ride here studying this map, but neglected to see about the basement level."

"Let me scan the area."

I turn on my eyenox and scanned the surrounding areas. I detected a hallway full of nitro cells to our north west. However, I hear a footsteps to our left. I pull out my SMG-11 and aim it at the left door.

"What are you do-" Lion asked me.

"Shh!" I interjected.

I pull the trigger and I hear the screams of the terrorists as I shoot all three of them.

"They were trying to flank us. Anyways, I detected a what looks like a hallway of nitro cells to our northwest. It also scanned out a flight of stairs going down."

"Then let us make haste."

I walk down the hallway with Lion covering our flank. We pass multiple empty rooms with only old furniture as I round the corner. I recognize the area of nitro cells, but there were none to be found.

"Was I imagining things the whole time?" I said scratching my head.

"Not at all. I just did a little cleaning up," Thatcher replied.

"Thanks again Thatcher. How's your end going?"

"Couldn't be any better. These tangos are going down fast. Me and Thermite reckon that the rest of their lot are guarding the container."

"Time to ring some ears!" Thermite yelled.

"What are you two planning?"

"Just gonna give them a little surprise," Thatcher replied.

"Copy that."

"Renegade? We have a problem," Lion said.

"What's the problem?"

"Ember has disappeared. He said he was going to scout out the surrounding area, but he hasn't returned."

"In a big place like this, that is a huge problem. What do you propose we do?"

"I hate to say this, but we may have to split up. I'll go look for him and you try to rendezvous with Thatcher and Thermite."

"Got it. I wish you luck."

As I finish, Lion leaves to scan the area to gather some intel about Ember's whereabouts. I was all alone as I creep down the stairs.

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