Operation Outbreak (3/3)- An End to this Nightmare

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Renegade's POV

It's been a hard time recovering from what happened. I've felt like a part of me is missing. First my parents, then my brother and now my sister. All of them have been taken from me by the White Masks. I was in a really low state of mind.

I woke up from the long rest I took after returning home from the mission. I noticed that the door opened and Hibana came in.

"Hello Hibana. What's up?" I asked.

"I just wanted to come see you," she replied.

I sat up and motioned her inside. She sat down next to me.

"I heard about what happened to your sister. I was wanting to know if there is anything I can do to help you feel better."

I stayed silent. I thought it was best to keep all of this grief to myself and not involve anyone else. My brother always told me to stay strong, but now I can't seem to escape this feeling. She looked at me with a concerned look.

"Have you kept this all inside of you this whole time?"

Was I really that see through?

"Yes I have," I said, holding back the tears. "My brother had always said to stay strong and never show any weakness. So I thought it was best to never tell anyone. I've never felt so alone in my life."

"But you aren't alone. You've got all the operators of Team Rainbow. We are all family. You don't have to feel alone. If you need help to carry the burden on of your shoulders, you can always call on me."

"I know. I've just lived my life with some regrets. My parents died when I was young and I never met my father, so I wonder what they think of what I've done in my life."

"I think that they are feeling proud that you became a clever and heroic soldier. I mean you saved me if that means anything."

I blush a little at the compliments.

"I wouldn't go that far. I'm no hero, but thanks," I said, scratching my head.

She leaned in and wrapped me into a tight hug; however, it was cut short when Thatcher called me on my earpiece.

"Renegade, is Hibana with you by any chance?" He asked.

"Yeah she is," I replied.

"We need the two of you for the next mission."

"We'll be down there."

Hibana started her way down as I stood up and grabbed my SAS helmet.

"Finally, I now know what it is that I was meant to protect," I said to myself before departing.

An hour passed and we arrived in London. Thatcher, Hibana and I jumped out of the chopper.

"Did you all make it there safe?" Mute said over the earpiece.

"Yeah, there are no hostiles in range," Thatcher replied.

"Your mission is to secure the source of the virus and put an end to this nightmare. The location is fortified by the White Masks. You will need to use the defuser jammers to disable the source. Only then can you obtain the substance with the virus."

"I have a bad feeling about this," I said.

"Perhaps this is their last defense. We must hurry. They could be planning to extend the virus outside the border," Thatcher said.

I pulled out my phone and activated the GPS. Mute managed to mark the location on the map.

"We should head north. Let's go!"

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