Operation Glitch

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Renegade's POV

What could they possibly need my help for? Only one way to find out. I was greeted by Vigil, Echo and Mute on my way inside the meeting room.

"Glad to see that you made it Renegade," Mute said to me.

"Sorry for the urgency," Vigil said as we all sat down.

Twitch walked into the room with a set of files. She passed one out to everyone and began the briefing.

"As mentioned before, I apologize for the sudden urgency but we need to gather intel," she said.

This peaked my interest.

"Intel for what?" I asked curiously.

"We need to gather intel on the whereabouts of this mysterious leader of the White Masks. Due to the case of the Chimera Virus in London, this man is a dangerous target."

'The man with the blood mask...' I said to myself.

"What do you have in mind?" Mute asked her.

"Our destination is an abandoned tower in South Korea. There are some terrorists who could give us some information."

"Do we leave now?" Echo asked.

"Yes we do. We will be leaving in a few minutes," Twitch said as she walked out of the room.

Echo and Vigil followed her, leaving me and Mute in the room.

"Man I love that woman," Mute said out loud.

Suddenly he looks directly at me.

"Did I just say that out loud?" He asked me.

"Yes you did," I replied.

I was astounded by the twenty six year olds reaction. His face starts to turn bright red and he rests his head on the table.

"Can you pretend you didn't hear that? That was really embarrassing of me to say," he said in a shameful tone.

I couldn't help but chuckle at what he said. I've never seen him like this.

"Does someone have a crush?" I said jokingly.

"Shut it. I know you have a crush on Hibana," he countered.

Now it was my turn to turn bright red.

"What are you talking about?" I said in a nervous manner.

"So what Smoke told me was true."

"Dammit Smoke, I thought he wouldn't tell anyone."

"I think only me, Smoke, Thatcher and Sledge know."

"Just don't tell anyone ok?"

"I won't as long as you don't talk about what you saw a few minutes ago."

"You have my word. Let's go friend."

As we made our way to the rest of the group, I grabbed ammo for my AR33 and SMG-11 and Mutes MP5K and P226 MK 25. Within six hours, we were overtop a massive tower. Everyone rappelled down and began discussing the plan.

"Me and Echo should start by finding the location of these White Masks using our drones," Twitch said.

Both tossed out their drones and began a search of the area. I spent the time sharpening my knife.

"You really do take after your  father," Vigil said to me.

"It's nothing. I always try to keep my blade sharp for when I need to use it," I replied.

"Alright, I found them. They are in an office area," Twitch said.

"Let's move," Mute said.

Everyone rappelled down the side of the building and entered through one of the windows. I looked around to try and find this office. Twitch activates her drone and found our location.

"We jump down and head right."

"I'll take care of the cameras. With my mask on, I appear invisible to cameras and drones," Vigil said.

I jump down and fired a bullet behind me and I heard a body fall. I look back to see a dead terrorist. Mute, Echo and Twitch follow down. Vigil runs toward the elevator shaft and enters from another way. As we close in towards our destination, Mute places a jammer at the doors leading into the room.

"Alright Renegade, now we need you to hack into their network. The closer we are, the stronger the signal we could get for you," Twitch said.


I turn on my eyenox and hacked past the very weak firewall. I've seen some messages from the man with the blood mask talking about infecting the whole world with the Chimera Virus and that they set their base in Nagoya.

"Oh god," I said.

"What did you find?" Twitch asked.

"They plan on infecting the world with this virus."

"Did you locate their leader?"

"They set up a base in Nagoya. Their leader has to be there."

As I finished up my sentence, I found some more information. It had to do with... my family. The man with the blood mask has held a grudge against us since the nineties. He became envious of my father for all that he achieved which made him look like a poor soldier. He has been tracking my family and planning attacks towards England just so he can get his revenge. Suddenly, my knees gave away and I felt a terrible pain in my shoulder blade.

"Gah!" I shouted in pain.

Mute turned around and shot the culprit. Twitch caught me before my knees hit the ground.

"Are you alright? You went silent for a few minutes and left yourself exposed for a shot on your shoulder blade," Twitch said to me.

"I finally figured it out," I said.

"Found out what?" Mute asked.

"Why the man with the blood mask is holding a grudge against my family and is out to exterminate us."

I explained the whole story to the three as I received very mixed reactions. Then, the pain came back. I've been shot before, but this hurt more than any other I have received. Then, I realized that I still have the scar there I received back during Operation Red Crow.

"We should get out of here. We have the intel we need," I said.

"Right. Let's go."

As we escaped towards the window we entered from, we met Vigil standing there.

"What took you guys so long? I eliminated so many terrorists. What happened to Renegade?" He said.

"While he was gathering intel, one terrorist shot him in the shoulder blade," Mute said.

"All the more reason to get out of here," I said as Echo helped me strap on my rappel harness.

I start my trek up the building with Vigil and Echo close behind. Mute and Twitch hop out the window as I toss a frag grenade into the window. As Twitch climbed up, her line snapped.

"Help!" She shouted.

Mute grabbed her hand and pulled her up to him.

"I won't let go... I promise," he said to her.

Me, Vigil and Echo reached the top and started to help pull the two up. I received a report that the chopper is in the middle of refueling which will be about five minutes until we get our evac. As we finally pulled them up, it seemed that Mute might've confessed his love to her because they were kissing when they reached the top.

A/N I know that I released a chapter yesterday, but I've been in the zone when it came to writing this story as we are reaching the end. I hope you don't mind, but I may actually finish the story over the next few days since three chapters remain.

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