A Call to Arms

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Every operator was called for a meeting with Six. Knowing that everyone was called, I knew it had to be urgent and very important. I sat down next to Thatcher and Mute as the meeting was about to start.

"I'm glad that all of you could make it. The reason I called all of you was for an urgent crisis," Six said.

"What are they planning this time?" Smoke asked.

"The White Masks have unleashed the Chimera Virus in London creating a massive outbreak."

Everyone looked at her shocked. Lion started shaking to the word Chimera Virus.

"So the most recent operation was only a distraction to allow the White Masks to obtain a substance with the virus without any interference?" Thatcher asked.

"I am afraid so."

"I would like to ask that we deal with this virus."

"I'll allow that, but who will you want to deal with this virus?"

"I would request Thermite, Doc, Lion, Finka and Renegade at the very least. I will determine the rest in the meantime."

"I place my trust in you Thatcher."

"I won't let you down ma'am."

The meeting was dismissed as Thatcher started planning on how we would approach this outbreak. I feel a hand on my shoulder.

"These White Masks are smarter than I gave them credit for," Smoke said.

"No kidding," I replied.

"Aren't ya worried about your sister mate?"

"I am. I just hope I can make it in time and extract her from the city."

"When that time comes, I want to be there with ya mate."

"Count me in as well," Mute said.

"Only time will tell what will happen," Thatcher said.

Suddenly, Ember walked over to us.

"Hey Renegade, I wanted to tell you that Hibana is feeling much better now. Her and Ela finally recovered."

"She is? I'll have to stop by later."

"Damn!" Thatcher exclaimed.

"Are you ok Thatcher?"

"The doctor from the last major outbreak forgot to give us her research for this virus, so Doc has to make a cure from scratch."


"Doctor Mackintosh. She was caught up in this virus and helped us contain it. I just have to create an alternate course of action. I want you, Doc and Smoke to tackle our first mission Renegade."

"Ok. When do we start?"

"Once I have this operation under control. I'd say early tomorrow at the latest."

"Alright," I said as I walked out of the room.

I made my way to the infirmary to see Hibana. I told Doc that me, him and Smoke were going to be sent on the first mission as soon as Thatcher gained control of the current situation. I walk into a patient room to see Hibana laying down, staring at a wall. I quietly enter the room as she turns around and spots me.

"How are you holding up?"

"I'm doing great now," she said as she wrapped me into an embrace.

"That's good to hear."

"I just wanted to say thank you for what you did earlier today. I thought it was over."

"It's nothing. We are all family and we have each others backs when it counts."

"I heard about the outbreak. London is your hometown right?"

"Yeah it is," I said quietly.

"Your brother and sister must be in danger."

"Only my sister. Kai died six years ago."

"I'm sorry that I brought that up. That was insensitive of me."

"Don't worry about it. My only goal is to find her and get her the hell out of the city."

Suddenly, my  phone starts to ring.

"Hold on a sec," I said answering the call. "Hello?"

"Cole? I'm so glad you picked up. Things aren't looking so good over here."

"Olivia? Where are you in the city?"

"I'm still at home."

"Good. I don't want you to leave the house at all costs. I don't want you to die on me. I'm going to get you out of there if it's the last thing I ever do. I can promise you that."

"I'll do what I can. Just please get here quickly."

"Will do," I said as I hung up.

"Was that your sister?" Hibana asked.

"Yeah. I'm going to return here with her when I go out on this mission."

"I wish you luck, but don't be reckless. I want you to return in one piece."

"I will. I can promise you that."

A few minutes pass by and Thatcher called me to say that it was time to go. I wave goodbye to Hibana and walked towards the chopper.

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