Operation Hidden Truth (1/2)- Elimination

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I looked at my watch to see that we would leave in fifteen minutes. I packed extra ammunition for my AR33, SMG-11 and M590A1, a drone to help gather intel, and a manual for first aid. I looked over at my SAS helmet.

'I've fought this far to protect those whom I care about. All I've done thus far was for them. I hope that my parents are watching over me,' I thought with a surge of emotion.

I put on my helmet and walk out towards the chopper. I was stopped in the hallway by Lion.

"Before you go, I wanted to give you something," he said as he presented a gun to me.

"A LFP586? Are you sure?" I replied.

"I am. I'm sure you can make use of it. Consider it a gift from brother to brother."

"Thanks Lion. I'll take good care of it."

"I wish you luck. Be sure to come back in one piece," he joked.

"I will. You can count on it."

I walk away towards the chopper. I see Ember and Jäger chatting. They turn my way to approach them.

"Right on time my friend," Jäger said to me.

"Good to see you Jäger. You too Ember."

"Likewise. It's been awhile since our last assignment. It's about time since I've had any action," Ember said.

"Well nows your chance," I said as I stepped into the chopper.

Everyone else was gathered inside. Ember sat down across from me.

"This will be one long flight so if you need to rest, now would be the time to do so," Jäger said over the intercom.

I decided to rest on the way to Germany but as soon as I closed my eyes, I heard bickering all around me. I open one eye to see Echo and Ying arguing with one another as well as Ela and Zofia. I sigh and tune the noise out.

*Later that day*

I woke up to the announcement that we arrived. I open my eyes to find a gun in my lap. I recognized the design and instantly knew that it was a supernova. I attached my rappelling harness and leaned out of the chopper. Echo appears behind me.

"Hibana has been meaning to give you that shotgun if you were wondering who gave it to you."

"She did? I guess I have to thank her then. She didn't really need to give me one," I replied honestly.

"I'd save the sweet talk for after the operation," he joked.

I lightly punch him as he rappels down.

"Please don't turn into a second Smoke, Echo. I already have to deal with one of him."

All I can hear is him laughing. I sigh and rappel down. The girls soon follow.

"I'm going to drop Squad B at their designated location. Notify me when the op is complete," Jäger said through my ear piece.

"Roger that," I replied.

Echo pulls out his drone and begins to scan the area. Hibana pulls out a map and begins to explain a plan of hers.

"Here is the plan for what it is worth. Our goal is to eliminate every terrorist in the building. Squad B is heading near the construction site. Our main concern is the bar since there is bound to be many hostiles there. Did you find anything Echo?"

"I've detected roughly eleven terrorists in bar," he replied.

"Renegade? Can you detect any traps?"

I turn on my Eyenox SDHV. I spot many nitro cells in one single area with not much else in bar.

"I only see a room full of nitro cells near the bar. Everything else is clear."

"Good. Then we storm the front door to bar and eliminate most of the threat there."

We approach the building with caution, attempting to make as little sound as possible. Ying places a breach charge against the barricade and steps back. I signal to wait as I take control of one nitro cell.

"I'm about to blow these nitro cells. I want you to blow the charge on the count of three Ying. I think we should give them a welcoming committee."

"Got it Renegade," she replied.

"Three... two... one... breach!"

I detonate the nitro cell creating a chain reaction resulting in ten explosions as Ying destroys the barricade. Everyone runs in and open fires directly at the eleven terrorists who are distracted by the mess that I made. I count seven to be KIA and four that ran.

"That leaves bar to be completely empty," I said.

Everyone just looked at me with shock.

"That explosion was just amazing! They didn't even know we entered the building," Ying exclaimed.

"A well executed plan by a tactical thinker. Perhaps I need to take you with me on my hunting trips," Frost added.

"Nice work Renegade. Your eyenox does wonders," Echo commented.

"You still are the same old Cole as last time," Hibana added.

"That plan was honestly just well executed by all of you. I just helped create the diversion," I said scratching my head.

I hear footsteps coming from behind me. I quick draw my SMG-11 and pre-fire the door leading to strip club, killing the four terrorists that turned tail. I reload as I hear the sound of applause.

"I swear that eyenox has improved my senses and instincts, or that could be the intense training my brother put me through when we were younger."

"No kidding," Echo replied.

We make our way out of bar to two sets of stairs.

"Are we splitting up here? I'd say two of us go upstairs, two go to the garage and one heads downstairs to check on Squad B," Hibana said.

"I'll go down alone," Frost said.

"I think that Echo and Ying head upstairs."

"I think you are making a mistake Hibana," Echo said.

"Who said she did? Let's go already Echo," Ying said.

The two groups head their separate ways leaving me and Hibana.

"That just leaves me and you to head to the garage," Hibana said to me.

"Sounds like a plan. Let's go," I reply.

A/N For those of you who were wondering if this story was still being written, I intend on finishing this story. I've just been too busy to write as much as I did previously (I've been trying to balance swim practice, writing this and playing R6). I do hope you are enjoying the story so far.

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