Operation Hidden Truth (2/2)- A Heroic Impression

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Everything was too quiet. No terrorist shouts, walls being reinforced, or barricades being put up. It was unsettling to say the least. I toss out my drone.

"Before we head to the garage, I think I should scout out the area with my drone," I said.

"Good idea," Hibana replied.

I pull out my phone and activate the remote controls for my drone. As I was scanning the place, Hibana started to talk with me.

"It's been ages since our last operation together."

"Indeed it has."

"Though it feels good to be working with you again. I always thought we made a pretty good team."

"I'm with you on that. Though I will say I'm not as clumsy as last time."

"I'll be the judge of that," she joked.

I chuckled at her last statement. I focus my attention on the drone. The garage is pretty bare when I started counting how many terrorists were in there.

"How many are in there?" She asked me.

"I can only spot four," I replied.

"Only four? This may actually be easier than I thought."

"Do we just storm them?"

"With very few of them, I think it will be a piece of cake."

"Alright, there seem to be no traps waiting for us," I said scanning the room for electronics.

Ember's POV

I was beginning to question why they chose both Zofia and Ela to come on this mission. All they ever do is argue with each other when they aren't in combat. The arsenal room was just secured by us. The White Masks have sent wave after wave to reclaim this room, but they had no such luck.

"Was that the last of them?" I asked Buck.

"I checked the corridor and our flank. I am at least ninety nine percent sure that we are clear," he replied.

Bandit looks up at us from watching a few cameras.

"I believe that we are clear. Did Squad A take care of the rest of the tangoes?"

"Beats me. Has anyone seen Ela?" I asked around.

Buck and Bandit shrugged their shoulders and Zofia wasn't paying much attention to any of us. Suddenly, I hear the sound of a mine go off. Out of instinct, I ran to investigate.

In the neighboring room, I spot two White Masks and Ela bleeding on the ground. I pick up my MP7 and aimed for the terrorists. I killed both of them before they even knew what hit them. I rushed over to Ela and looked over her wound.

"Ember," she says quietly.

"Let's fix this, shall we?" I say to her.

I managed to patch her wound and stop the bleeding. However, she was still in pain.

"It really hurts. I don't think I can walk."

"On the bright side, you are still alive. We need to take you to Doc."

Then, I find myself surrounded by the White Masks. I reload my MP7 and started to wreck havoc on the tangoes. I landed headshot after headshot until the room was full with a pile of dead corpses.

"I really need to challenge Renegade to a shooting competition when we get back," I say to myself.

I pick up Ela bridal style and took her to the arsenal room.

"Glad to see that you found her. Frost just came down to say that Renegade and Hibana have the rest of the tangoes and that we should rendezvous with Echo and Ying outside," Buck said.

"Got it Buck."

"Are you two lovebirds or something?" Bandit joked.

"Can it Bandit. She is really injured."

"Relax, Doc is on board the chopper. We can get her patched up."

"Lead the way."

Renegade's POV

"The others have cleared every area but the garage and are evacuating as we speak. That just leaves this rabble. Are you ready Hibana?"

I hear no response.


I turn around to see that she was no where to be seen. Then, I hear an explosion coming from outside.

"Dammit! Why didn't she tell me that she was going to breach from the outside! I guess I just have to charge in at this rate."

I destroy the barricade to find that the terrorists were distracted by something. One had Hibana in a chokehold and two were surrounding her while one was laying on the ground lifeless.

I pull out the supernova and aimed at the target. I was shaking a little because I didn't want to hurt Hibana in the process. I felt a little doubt in my head, but I know that Hibana has put her trust in me. The proof was in my hands.

Time around me felt like it was slowing down. I steel myself as I aim the shot at the back of one terrorist and pulled the trigger. I hear two thuds as two bodies fall, however the one holding Hibana was still standing. He looks over and drops her onto the ground. I run towards the terrorist, outmaneuvered him and pinned him against a wall with bizarre strength.

"You will not get away with this!" He shouts at me.

"There should only be one thing you should be worrying me about. And that would be me."

He tries to break free, but I tighten my grip and slammed his back against the metal wall. I pull out my knife from my pocket and put it towards his neck.

"When you hurt someone I care about, I will make sure you suffer tenfold! I hope you said your prayers because this will be your last breath!" I say as I slit his throat and let his lifeless body drop.

I look over at Hibana, who was still conscious, and knelt down next to her. She had tears in her eyes and was shaking.

"Thank God you are ok," I say to her.

Her immediate response was to give me a tight hug. I was surprised at first, but I returned the hug with care.

"That... really scared me. I thought... I was a...goner," she said between tears.

"It's ok, I'm here now. Come on, let's get out of here," I said placing my arm around her neck and helped her walk outside.

The chopper was above us now as Doc leaned out and reached out to Hibana. I stepped in and handed her off to him. I walked into the cockpit since there was way too many people in the chopper and sat down next to Jäger.

"Glad to see that you made it out alive. You left a heroic impression on everyone here along with Ember," He said cheerfully.

"I was just doing what I thought was right."

"You must be exhausted my friend. It's a long way back to base. How about you rest up."

I agree to his advice as I lost myself to my mind. I look back at Hibana to see her slowly recovering along with Ela. To know that those two weren't mortally wounded made me feel at ease. I surrender to my exhaustion and fell asleep within a few minutes.

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