Operation Outbreak (2/3)- A Stealthy Extraction

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Ember's POV

We arrived in London shortly after the return of the first team. Me, Ela and Bandit were sent on another mission to deal with this outbreak.

"Your mission is to find and locate a subway that was hijacked by the White Masks. This subway contains a doctor that may have an idea for creating a cure for this virus. His name should be Jacob Barker," Thatcher said.

"I'd much rather have a contest on who can slay the most of these monsters," Ela replied.

"The doctor will be secured at all costs," I replied.

"Good. I'll leave the approach up to you. I wish you luck."

Ela looks straight at me.

"Come on, why are you so focused on the mission? Can't we have a little fun with this?" She said annoyed.

"We need to do this for those who have died to this virus. I just want to see an end to this virus. Nothing more."

"All we need to do is find this doctor. Simple enough right?" Ela replied.

"Precisely, but we can't lose focus," Bandit added.

"The only question is where is this subway?"

"Knowing the White Masks... they would probably not want to hold it at a station, so that would complicate things. They could be anywhere in London," Bandit said.

"Looks like we need to do some exploring."

We spent some time looking for the entrance to a subway station. We ended up getting into a few skirmishes with some of these monsters, but they honestly didn't put up much of a fight. I took the lead as we went down into the station. The lower we went, the more creeped out I was starting to feel. It gave me that feeling of being in an apocalypse. I shiver at the feeling. 

"Aww has the ember lost its spark?" Ela joked mockingly.

I give her an unimpressed look. Bandit alerts us that there are hostiles near our location.

"Could it be monsters?" I asked.

"No. I hear voices up ahead. It has to be the White Masks," he replied.

We approached closer to see a subway car parked at the station. It seems that the White Masks actually did park at a station.

"Let's show them that they made a grave mistake," I said.

I decided to take a stealthy approach to the car. I wanted to gather intel on the doctors whereabouts and then eliminate the threats with as little citizen harm as possible. I was not one for plans, but I have to use them when necessary. I signaled Bandit and Ela over to my location.

"My plan is that we board the car and start from the back end. Hopefully we can search undetected that way."

"We can only hope," Bandit replied.

Suddenly, I hear the sound of the car starting to take off. Bandit looked at me and nodded his head.

"I already checked the perimeter and everyone has to be on board. If you were planning on jumping onto the train, we need to do it now."

I hop onto the train followed by Bandit and Ela. I open the door to the first car and found an empty car. Ela peeks at the second door and spots some White Masks. Bandit tosses a nitro cell into the car and the car is painted red. I look in the third car and saw a man sitting on the ground tied up. The three of us rushed in to help him.

"Who are you three?" He asked.

"I'm Ember and these two are Bandit and Ela. And you are?"

"I'm Jacob Barker."

"We are with Team Rainbow and we are here to get you out of here. We've heard that you may have an idea on how to cure this virus."

"I do. These terrorists kidnapped me because of it."

I helped untie the doctor.

"Bandit, is it safe to jump off the subway car?"

"Not in motion, but we could activate an emergency brake and hop off with no problem. If we were to do it however, we would need to do it fast. I'd rather not encounter any combat."

I looked around the car and found a lever. I assumed that it was the emergency brake.

"Is everyone ready?"

Everyone nodded. I flipped the lever and the train came to a complete stop. I signaled for us to move. Bandit and the doctor quickly jump off and make a break for it. Ela looks back at the back door to see multiple White Masks. I pull out my MP7 and turned on my fire barrel. I fired an entire clip into the door causing the area to be set on fire. I grab Ela's hand.

"That should distract them. Let's use this to get out of here."

I jumped off with Ela and ran the direction Bandit went. I started to call Thatcher saying that we extracted the doctor and to request for an evacuation.

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