Operation Blood Mask (1/2)- Point of No Return

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With all of the intel that we needed, Six thought it was time for us to go for the throat. Though I find it odd that she is assigning ten operators to the mission. I thought this was a little overkill. Plus, I'm going against the man that wants me and my father dead. Smoke snaps me back to reality.

"Renegade? You all right there mate?" He said to me.

"Yeah," I replied.

"Is something on your mind?" Mute asked.

"I've never thought I'd see the day that me and Thatcher would go up against the man that killed our family and wishes to see the two of us dead."

"He's right. All this man wants is revenge and will do anything to get it," Thatcher added.

"Has he been driven by hatred this whole bloody time?" Smoke asked.

"Yes. Hatred has driven him to the brink of insanity. Now, the bastard has to pay."

"Well said," I replied.

We were overtop the skyscraper after what felt like forever. Me, Mute, Smoke, Thatcher and Hibana hopped out of one chopper while Ember, Glaz, Caveira, Outback and Fuze hopped out of another.

"Notify me when the operation is over," Jäger said.

"Roger that," Thatcher replied.

The five of us huddled together to form a plan.

"My plan is a stealthy approach. The other team is most likely going to cause a lot of noise, so we can use that to our advantage and get the upper hand," Thatcher said.

"Who said they are going to cause a ruckus?" Smoke asked.

"Their team contains Outback, Fuze and Ember. If that doesn't scream a ruckus, then I don't know what does."

"Fair point."

"Let's just go," I said loading my AR33.

"Impatient as always I see," Thatcher replied.

"Wonder who he gets that from," Smoke added.

Then I hear Thatcher punch Smoke in the gut.

"Damn, did you have to punch me that hard?"

"Not really."

I disregarded their little dispute and moved on ahead to the building. We ended up on the side where we had to rappel up. As we rappelled up, Hibana got my attention.

"Are you going to be ok? I heard what happened to your shoulder blade," she asked me in a concerned matter.

"I should be fine. The pain should've healed by now," I replied.

"Glad to hear it."

We reached the top and heard an explosion.

"Cluster charge going live," Fuze said.

"Now's our chance!" Thatcher shouted.

Smoke leads the charge as he bashes a barricade. I scan the terrace area. Mute does the same. Hibana waits at the left door, awaiting Thatcher's command.

"I want you to head left Hibana and Mute. Me, Renegade and Smoke will head right."

"Yes sir," she replied.

Ember's POV

I wouldn't exactly call this their last stand against us. I hope the other team made it inside by now.

"That diversion was great," Fuze said, giving Outback a high five.

"This takes me back to our special op days," Outback replied.

"Were you all really a special ops team for Rainbow?" I asked Glaz.

"Believe it or not, yeah. We were the top special ops team in Rainbow until a certain incident years ago," Glaz replied.

"Mind if I ask what happened?"

"I'm sorry to say, but that needs to remain classified. Let's just say it didn't end well."

"I understand."

"Cluster charge going live," Fuze said as he detonated another cluster charge into the barbeque.

All we could hear was the screams of the terrorists who blew up with the miniature grenades. I bust in and counted ten terrorists dead on the floor. I look back at Fuze.

"What just happened?"

"This is why I'm good at clearing rooms fast. Though never take me on hostage extractions. Things may get ugly," he replied.

I laugh at his response. We continued our scan of the perimeter and Caveira managed to get us some information. Glaz sniped off a few stragglers and Fuze blew up another room. I realized later on that Outback is missing. I told the others and we began a search for him.

Renegade's POV

Our part of the mission was fairly challenging. There were hostiles at every corner and there were a lot of them. To make matters worse, Outback was missing. I assumed he went on his own, so I wasn't too worried for his safety. After clearing out our part of the building, we saw Mute running this way.

"Mute? What's wrong?" Smoke asked.

"I asked Hibana to check our flank. When I turned around for two seconds to deal with a few terrorists, she was gone and I haven't heard from her since," he replied.

My heart sank after hearing that. I start to bolt towards where he last saw her when Thatcher stopped me.

"What's gotten into you? Why the hell are you running off without us."

"I need to save her," I replied.

He looked at me for two seconds and saw the determination in my eyes. He let out a sigh.

"She really means that much to you eh?"

"Yes she does. I know that you guys want to help, but I must do this alone. I don't want to lose any of you. You guys are like family to me or are my family. Leave this to me."

"I won't stop you. But remember this, there is no turning back once you head down there. You are bound to face the man with the blood mask and avenge your siblings and your mother. Are you prepared to face him alone and without assistance?"

"Yes, I am ready."

"As long as you are sure. Now go."

I ran towards where Mute said he last saw her. I saw Outback on the way.

"Are you planning on saving Hibana?" He asked me.

"Yes. I don't want to lose her like I lost my siblings."

"I understand. I cleared the way and if you need help, call for me. I'll do whatever I can to help you."

"Thanks Outback," I said before continuing on.

I arrived outside the tea room. I heard voices coming from the barricaded door.

"Perhaps I can use you as bait to lure the young Baker. Then you can watch as I slaughter him right before your eyes," the man with the blood mask said.

I couldn't take it anymore as I bashed through the barricade.

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