Mentor and Pupil

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I sat in the tech lab trying to modify my eyenox. I had an idea, but I couldn't find the right modifications to do it. I hear the door open behind me.

"Am I intruding?" Thatcher asked.

"No, I've just been working on my eyenox," I replied with a frustrated tone.

"What are you trying to add to it?"

"I came up with the idea of being able to take control of enemy electronics and turn them against their makers. But I can't seem to make the right modifications."

Thatcher walks over and looks at the computer that is hooked up to my eyenox. He starts to explain what he is doing and tinkers with the hard drive. After about five minutes, he types a script of code on the computer and sends it to the hard drive.

"That should be correct if I'm not mistaken. I'm getting older and my memory starts to slip."

"Thanks Thatcher. I guess I just made it more complicated like I always do."

"Not always. You're still learning a few things based on what I've always taught ya all those years ago."

"Time really has gone by hasn't it?"

"Agreed. This takes me back to when I was your mentor."

"I remember those days too. I still consider you to be my mentor despite us being equals here."

"There isn't much left I can teach you that you should experience for yourself. I've fulfilled my promise to your father."


"Your father and I were best friends for the longest time. I made a promise to him that I would help you if something were to happen to him. After your parents were murdered, I took it upon myself to become your mentor and raise you how he would've."

"I never knew. Though I'm glad you did that. I've always considered you to be my second father."

"It was an honour to do it. I did what a good friend would do."

We spent the next hour recalling memories from our SAS days. I didn't realize that it was nine when we finished.

"Well, I think we should head back."

"Hey Thatcher, do you know any information on the rumor about the White Masks?"

"All I know is that Six is going to send some of us here soon to deal with the threat."

We arrived back at our home. Mute and Sledge were already watching the television.

"There you two are. Have you seen Smoke anywhere?" I asked.

"We sent him to accomplish an errand, but he's been gone longer than usual," Sledge replied.

"Dammit! I told him to not do anything to embarrass us," Thatcher exclaimed. "I'll get him!"

Thatcher runs out of the room flustered.

"Christ, what's got into him?" Sledge asked.


Sledge nods. I shrug my shoulders in response.

"My guess is he is making some chaos. Thatcher has always tried to keep him in line."

Suddenly, Smoke appears in the doorway with a tired look.

"What's with that look?" I ask.

"Been running around the damn place to find ya. Six sent one of these out to each CTU. It's about a new op," he replied.

He hands me a letter with a list of names. Renegade, Thatcher, Thermite, Ember and Lion.

So everyone on this list is being sent on this op," I said.

"Could the rumor actually be true?" Mute asked.

"I believe you are on the ball. We leave for Italy tomorrow."

Thatcher runs into the room in a fit of rage. He looks directly at Smoke.

"What did you do!?" He yells.

"Calm down. I was busy looking for Renegade to tell him that the two of you are being sent on an op," Smoke said in a worried tone.

"A new op?"

"Yes. Renegade, can you hand him the letter?"

I hand Thatcher the letter containing the names. He glanced at it and handed it back to me. He seemed calmer than before.

"This will be your first op right?"

"It's my first one on this team."

"You will learn that this team works differently than the SAS. I hope you are ready."

"I've been ready for this my entire life."

"That's good. Now if you will excuse me."

Thatcher then leaves into his room. Everyone else does the same to prepare for tomorrow.

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