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It's been about a week since Operation Para Bellum. Sledge, Thatcher, Smoke and Mute were all sent on assignments for the time being, so that left me to do my own thing. I hear a knock on the door as I finished putting on my SAS uniform.

"Coming!" I shout.

I open the door to a familiar face.

"Hey Renegade," Lion said.

"Hey Lion. Did you need something?" I ask him.

"I wanted to speak with you for a moment."

"Ok, come on in."

Lion walked in and I motioned him to a chair as I sat across from him. He seemed tense.

"Is something wrong?"

"Me and Finka did some research around the biohazard container we secured. What we found out was bad. Maestro told me that you were eavesdropping on the White Masks. Did you find any information?"

"All I know is that they wanted to secure the container for some unknown plan. I also overheard that it contained traces of a deadly virus. What did you find?"

"The biohazard substances contained several traces of the Chimera Virus."

"The Chimera Virus?"

"Smoke never told you?" He was surprised.

"No he never did."

"Let me tell you then. Back a few months ago, there was a major epidemic in Truth or Consequences, New Mexico. This epidemic was the Chimera Virus. There was a strange meteorite that fell from the sky. A local tried to obtain this meteorite and sell it online. Three days later, the town was under quarantine due to reports of deaths relating to a mysterious virus. A week later, Eliza or you probably know her as Ash arrived and requested that Team Rainbow to take care of the threat. Soon enough, we realized that this virus wasn't anything normal. Anyone who became infected became monsters."

He showed me a picture of one person who became infected. His body was covered in red spikes and his eyes glowed red.

"This virus seems like really bad news."

"It is and I'm afraid the White Masks are trying to resurrect the virus, but I don't know how we could handle a virus in an area bigger than Truth or Consequences."

"Let's just hope we can prevent it from happening."

"I agree with you there brother. I also wanted to say great job on your first operation. Your marksmanship is remarkable."

"Thank you, but I have to say that I still have a long way to go."

We spent the next hour talking about our pasts. Lion got very personal with me and talked about how he became a soldier. He became a soldier to atone for all that he did to his loved ones.

"Life was hard for me, but I managed. I chose this not because it would make life easy on my soul, but because I can make things right no matter how much it hurt me."

I decided to explain my past to him. I rarely talk about my past to anybody because no one really listens to a word I say or takes it seriously. I told him that my parents were murdered when I was young and I had to raise myself and my sister. I told him that I joined the SAS because I wanted to protect those I care about."

"I'm afraid to lose those I care for. I know it is a selfish wish, but I can't help it. Sometimes I feel powerless to accomplish it like when my brother sacrificed himself to save me."

"That's rough brother. Some people use that kind of wish as motivation to push themselves further and accomplish what they wish for. That is what I think personally."

"I understand. I appreciate that you listened to my story and actually took it seriously."

"When it comes to topics like that, I take those things very seriously. If you ever need to talk about something personal, you know where to find me."

Suddenly, I hear a knock on the door. I see Hibana as I opened the door.

"Hey Hibana. What's up?"

"Hey Renegade, can I come in?" She said sweetly.

"Yeah, come on in."

It took me a second to realize why she came here.

"Is this about the new op?"

"Yeah, she wanted me to tell you that we leave in an hour. She also wanted me to tell you that there are going to be two teams of five going. Ember, Zofia, Ela, Buck and Bandit form one while you, me, Echo, Ying and Frost form another."

"Alright, I'll be down there soon," I said as I disappeared into my room.

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