Operation Para Bellum (2/2)- Run-in With the G.I.S.

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Ember's POV

I wake to see three White Masks looking overtop of me. I raise my head to see that I was tied to a bed.

"Your finally awake!" One said.

"This is just great. One of Rainbow's operators here in our grasp. I think he can make a good hostage," another said.

"I think it would be better if we kill him and show those bastards that we mean business," the third one said.

One of them takes out a coin.

"If its heads, we keep him hostage. If its tails, we kill him. Got it?"

He flips the coin as I nervously await my fate. The coin lands on tails. One pulls out his gun and aims it at my head.

"I'll just make this quick and spare you the chit-chat."

I raise my foot and kicked the terrorist in the shin causing him to kneel over. Then, I see the three terrorists lifelessly fall over. A woman wearing a red beret walks right over to me and starts to untie the ropes.

"Are you ok?" She asked.

"I'm fine. Thanks for the save."

"Your welcome. Judging by your uniform, are you a member of the GSG9?"

"I used to be, but I joined Team Rainbow recently."

"Team Rainbow? Are there more of you here?"

"Yes there are. Why do you ask?"

"I'm Aria and I am a member of the G.I.S. Me and my comrade were sent to assist Team Rainbow on a mission."

"I'm Ben, but I'd rather be called Ember on missions."

Suddenly, I hear footsteps. I look around for my MP7, but I realized that I still had my P12 in my pocket. I spot my MP7 across the room and went to pick it up.

"I think they sent up reinforcements. That should be our cue out of here."

"I'll be behind you. Let's go."

Renegade's POV

The stairs took me down to a cellar. The room looked pretty empty besides a few mobile shields and the what I assumed to be wine barrels. I round the corner to spot five White Masks. I pull out a frag grenade and rolled it towards them. I cross the room after the explosion of blood splattered the walls. The next room was barricaded off and after a brief scan, it seemed heavily fortified with electronic devices. I also hear voices coming from under the barricade.

"Where is the container?"

"It is next to the blue storage chest sir."

"Does it contain the necessary traces of the virus?"

"Yes, it does contain traces of the C-," one said.

"Don't say it out loud for fuck's sake!"

"Sorry sir!"

"Anyways, we need to secure this container at all costs. Otherwise, my plan will be a bust."

'Plan? What are these imbeciles planning?' I thought.

"What are you doing standing at a door?"

I turn and point my gun at the man. He was wearing a red beret.

"Woah! I'm not the enemy!"

I lower my gun, but I still keep my guard up.

"Why should I believe you?"

"You are a member of Team Rainbow right?"


"I'm Adriano. I was assigned here with one of my comrades from the G.I.S. to assist Team Rainbow," he said lighting a cigar.

"My apologies for snapping at you. I'm Renegade, but you could also call me Cole."

"Renegade? Do you read?" Thatcher said.

"Yes Thatcher."

"There should be a total of eight terrorists left in the building. Are you close to the objective?"

"I should be. I also have some backup."

"Who would that be?"

"Adriano from the G.I.S."

"Ok. The plan is to rush them from both sides."

"Got it."

"What's the plan?" Adriano asked.

"We rush them from both sides. We have a second group on the other side."

"Alright," Adriano said as he pulled out his LMG.

We kick open the barricade and open fire on the room. With Thatcher and Thermite entering at the same time, the room was painted with blood. My AR33 was able to kill three of the five terrorists while Thermite managed to take the other two. Thatcher contacted Jager for an evacuation as Lion appeared to secure the biohazard substance. Thermite approached Adriano.

"You said you were from the G.I.S. correct?"


"Six had requested for two members of the G.I.S. to be recruited for Team Rainbow. I'm pretty sure you and your comrade are those two individuals."

"Is that so?"

"Yeah. You can join us for when we evacuate the villa."

"I think I will."

Lion soon finished up and started to lead the team out. Suddenly, I thought about where Ember was.

"I need to find Aria," Adriano said to me.


"My comrade."

"Ember is still missing too. Tell everyone that I'll go look for them."


I dash for the stairs as I hear a feminine scream. As I turn the corner towards the main hallway, I spot Ember staring down five terrorists.

"This may get a little out of hand, but I'll not give up," Ember said.

He activates his fire barrel and shot at two of the terrorists, setting them on fire. I aim my AR33 an inch above one of their heads and pull the trigger causing a lifeless body to fall over. All of them look over at me.

"Who's next!" I shout in hopes of intimidating them.

The remaining two aim their guns at me as Ember kills the two that were set ablaze.

"A foolish choice," I say as I quick draw my SMG-11.

Out of reaction time, I pull the trigger and the last two terrorists were no more. I rush over to Ember.

"Renegade!" Ember shouted.

"Just in time. What happened?"

"I was ambushed and captured, but Aria saved me. We tried escaping the villa since you completed the op, but she ended up injuring herself."

"I see. Let's get her patched up and get out of here. The chopper should be here any minute."

Ember leads me to Aria as I attempt to patch up her wound. We decide to carry her to the chopper. I grab her left side while he grabs her right. We arrive to the chopper and place her in. As I am about to step in, I look at Ember.

"Aren't you a new recruit as well?"


I extend my hand to him.

"Glad to be working with you."

"Likewise," he said as he shook my hand.

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